Memorise the atlas save money Its obvious
Article by: rob brady Date: 4 Jun 2011
 Those who spurn the use of satnavs and stubbornly rely on old-fashioned maps should take heart. At least one member of the younger generation has saved his dad spending his hard earned cash on something so unnecessary as GPS.
According to the Manchester Evening News, seven year old Isa Ansari has developed an encyclopaedic knowledge of the Greater Manchester road and motorway network. When he takes trips in his dad's van, Isa is the one in charge of directions.
At the tender age of four he began reading his dad’s A-Z and learning Manchester's street names and routes.
One can only assume that he's also a human speed camera alert system. PocketGPSWorld.com supplies speed cam locations for A-Z maps so, if he remembers all the roads, he's also likely to remember the all the local camera locations.
Hey, shouldn't we be charging him a subscription?
Posted by newtomoneowner on Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:41 pm |
I wonder what happens when his dad goes outside the manchester Area,
"here you go son, the blackpool A-Z for ya, better get it learnt were going there next week"
"Ok dad, whilst your buying them, can i have the copy of Milton Keynes for christmas please"
"Ok son but i was gonna buy you the London Streetmap for when you and i go there for a quiet weekend without your mother "
Call Me N3wt for short.....
Gone back to XP after trying Windows 7, it was nice but i still prefer XP |
Posted by BigPerk on Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:57 pm |

(Navigon 70 Live, Nuvi 360) |
Posted by DennisN on Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:34 pm |
Next week's headline....
Seven-year-old blamed for guiding driver into Manchester Ship Canal.
"He's always got it right before", says wet dad.
If it tastes good - it's fattening.
Two of them are obesiting!! |