Man Buys Local Police's Website to Complain About Speed Cams
Article by: robert Date: 9 Jun 2010
When Brian McCrary had a complaint about his $90 speed camera ticket, he decided to visit the US Bluff City Police Department's website to see if it could be resolved. However, instead of arriving on the expected home page he discovered a notice that the site's domain name was about to expire.
Brian waited patiently until the expiry date, never really believing that they wouldn't renew it, but the date came and went and the site never reappeared. Apparently, the officer responsible for renewing the domain was on extended sick leave.
He then bought the web address for $80 and used the site to post his complaint alongside negative links about speed cameras in general.
According to ABC News the site has had 90,000 unique visitors since the Bristol Herald Courier broke the story on Monday.
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