Man Banned When Speed Cameras Catch Him 5 Times In 8 Days
Article by: rob brady Date: 7 May 2018
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A driver has been fined and disquialified from driving after trying to pull the wool over Essex Police's eyes.
His car was recorded speeding five times by 2 speed cameras in Leigh, Essex in just eight days, clocking up 30 licence points.
However, James Wilson, 56, of Chingford claimed it was his employee who was driving. The police invetigated, but could find no evidence that the said staff member existed.
Wilson was handed a £900 fine, with an addition of £600 to cover costs and a £30 victim surcharge. He was aslo disqualified from driving for six months.
A spokesman for Essex Police’s commented: "Wilson produced details of a supposed employee for the five speeding offences, claiming he sacked him after numerous traffic offences. We conducted extensive enquiries with partner organisations and was able to prove this man was not employed by Wilson, who in turn was unable to provide any proof of employment or invoices of works completed by him."
He added: "Wilson as the registered keeper of the vehicle has the responsibility to fully prove who was driving the car. He has since been found guilty and has received a hefty fine and a driving disqualification."
Posted by Graculus on Tue May 08, 2018 8:15 pm |
He's lucky he's not doing time for Perverting the Course of Justice, as has happened to many who provide deliberately false information on receiving an NIP.