LightSquareds Troubles Rumble On
Article by: rob brady Date: 27 Jan 2012
 According to the American National Space-Based Position, Navigating and Timing Executive Committee (PNT-Excom), the planned introduction of 4G LTE broadband by LightSquared could cause disruption to GPS receivers.
In what has become an ongoing battle between the bodies, PNT-Excom claimed GPS receivers would encounter interference following the introduction of these services.
According to their report, even GPS systems found within flight navigation systems may be affected.
The declaration follows tests on the proposed broadband system which detected the interference.
Deputy Defense Secretary, Ashton Carter, and Deputy Transportation Secretary, John D. Porcari, wrote that, "Based upon this testing and analysis, there appear to be no practical solutions or mitigations that would permit the LightSquared broadband service, as proposed, to operate in the next few months or years without significantly interfering with GPS."
Despite the evidence, LightSquared have refuted the claims, asserting that the standards for interference were set at levels they considered "extremely conservative."
Jeff Carlisle, the Executive Vice-President for Regulatory Affairs and Public Policy at LightSquared, commented, "We have made multiple proposals in order to resolve this issue, so we can build our network and reach 260 million people and we can have a robust GPS."
The GPS industry's arguments against LightSquared can be found at The Coalition to Save Our GPS - TomTom, Garmin, Magellan and ourselves at PocketGPSWorld.com, are all members of The Coalition.
Source: Aviation Week
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Posted by PiaggioMP3 on Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:07 pm |
This reminds me of the old problems with amature radio (and CB to a certain extent, but that was a different issue).
A properly set up ham radio could, in certain situations, wipe out local TV reception. This was due to cheap "front ends" on TV's which were not properly shielded against interference. Ham operators often supplied filters for local owners f.o.c. as a service, even though technically they didnt have to.
Without breaking any confidentiality agreements or use of other knowledge, I would summise that the satellite is operating completely within the frequency bands it is licenced to operate in; it has been built and configured to a level that is as high as they can get, it has been operated in compact antenna ranges on the ground prior to launch to make sure it is not broadcasting out of band or out of range. I would also summise that the GPS units that are being affected are cheap and cheerful with "loose" front-ends and built down to a price, rather than up to a standard.
So, a multi-million $ cost, billion $ income producing piece of hardware will be rendered useless by the owners of "$19 to produce" cheap GPS receivers. Why dont the owners complain to the GPS suppliers?
It is unfortunate, but it is not LightSquared that is at fault, but "popular press" will probably win.
I have NO interest in LightSquared or any other operator.
Posted by Andy_P on Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:14 pm |
Isn't that a bit like saying people shouldn't complain about hospital super-bugs? Because visitors with healthy immune systems will be able to fight off any infections, it's only the old and sick who are in trouble!
"Settling in nicely" ;-) |