IBM Smarter Traveler - Traffic Prediction Software
Article by: Darren Griffin Date: 14 Apr 2011

Whilst the design and features of your average satnav has been rather static in most areas, one key area that is proving popular is traffic. Being able to accurately predict traffic flow, areas of congestion and incidents.
Now IBM have thrown their hat into the ring with their 'Smarter Traveler' traffic analysis and prediction software. Developed in collaboration with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the California Center for Innovative Transportation (CCIT), a research institute at the University of California, Berkeley, the predictive modelling tool aims to help drivers avoid rush hour congestion.
Smarter Traveler analyses traffic data sourced from road sensors, toll booths, and data from GPS equipped cell phones to learn travel habits, routes and areas of congestion. Registered users can then receive alerts via SMS text message or email.
This solution sounds very similar to TomTom's HD Traffic service but IBM are leveraging their expertise in the predictive analytics to suggest alternative routes before the congestion occurs. TomTom have access to IQ Routes data on historical travel times and the benefit of a system that is closely linked to the satnav. It remains to be seen which is better in real world usage.
Smarter Traveler is being tested in the San Francisco Bay area currently and you can read the full contents of the IBM press release here.

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