Hapless Biker Gets Caught Giving Speed Camera The Finger
Article by: robert Date: 16 Feb 2011
Biker, Paul Collins, 26, assumed he was immune when he gave a speed camera the finger as he sped by at nearly 50mph in a 30mph zone.
His mates had told him that he wouldn't get caught as particular speed cameras only took photos of back number plates. Motorbikes don't have front plates - that requirement was dropped in 1975 due to the danger they posed to both bikers and pedestrians in the event of an accident.
He didn't reckon on the clarity of the image though.
Not only was his face visible, but his clothes and bike were easily recognisable. Local police just kept their eyes peeled (think red rag to a bull) and jotted down his numberplate the next time they saw him on the road.
Officers gave him a surprise, no doubt with smug looks on their faces, when they knocked on his door and told him he was going to court. Magistrates pointed out the error of his ways and fined him £177. They also gave him five points on his licence.
Source: Mail Online
Posted by Skippy on Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:09 am |
Wonder what sort of camera it was. I've heard of bikers getting nicked like this but that was by Truvelos which are, of course, front facing. As far as I understand , Gatsos will usually flash traffic facing them but they don't waste their film by taking photos because the second photo often wouldn't show the vehicle anyway.
If the Gatsos do take front facing photos then there would be a few people I know with wanted posters on the Scamera partnership's walls because they are not averse to a bit of Gatso baiting....
Of course I've never been tempted to engage in such childish behaviour. 
Gone fishing! |
Posted by DeLorean on Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:23 am |
Ha… ha…
Serves him right 
🔸🔸 Currently using TomTom GO 940 & Locus Map 🔸🔸 |
Posted by JockTamsonsBairn on Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:06 pm |
Adj. 1. hapless - deserving or inciting pity; "a hapless victim";
There are enough hapless bikers knocked off their bikes each year or spilling it down the road because of diesel spillages, that idiots like that don't deserve our pity!
TomTom Go 940 LIVE (9.510, Europe v915.5074 on SD & 8.371, WCE v875.3613 on board) |
Posted by pmdye on Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:56 am |
It was local to me (Southampton), so reported locally; I know the camera, an yes, it's a Truvelo (a3024, Bitterne).
phil |
Posted by awilson29 on Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:28 am |
Quote: | Not only was his face visible, but his clothes and bike were easily recognisable. Local police just kept their eyes peeled (think red rag to a bull) and jotted down his numberplate the next time they saw him on the road. |
What a total waste of Police resources ... instead of looking out for this biker maybe they should have been something a little more constructive ... just think of the time and effort it may have took ...
They processed the picture somewhere ... then somebody took the time to send it back to the specific police area ... I guess it went through several hands and then some briefing ... after the briefing every traffic officer or every police officer was on the lookout for the biker but my guess would be they sat at the same spot around the same time waiting for the suspect ... give the timing a little leeway so they could have been sat there say 1 hour ... got the details then drove around to his house to give him the news he was going to court ... then after that was court and its cost - which I guess was not paid fully by the biker (magistrates, duty solictor etc)
I wonder the cost of this whole episode ... they moan about cuts and are told to be more efficient but stories like this make wonder! Cost / Benefit analysis ...
No sympathy for the biker though ... he should not have been speeding in the first place :D
Posted by laidlawbob on Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:01 am |
AM I missing something
He was told that the camera only takes pictures of the rear number plate but he had no front number plate.
A slight slip me thinks.

Laidlaw Bob |
Posted by BigPerk on Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:19 am |
From initial post Quote: | jotted down his numberplate the next time they saw him on the road | Although I would have thought he might have argued 'that was just someone else's bike of the same make'
(Navigon 70 Live, Nuvi 360) |
Posted by Skippy on Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:29 am |
awilson29 Wrote: |
I wonder the cost of this whole episode ... they moan about cuts and are told to be more efficient but stories like this make wonder! Cost / Benefit analysis ...  |
It's one of these occasional high profile prosecutions that they do. No, it's not worth it to catch one idiot but the general idea is to make an example of someone and put the fear of The Law into everyone which keeps the rest them on the straight and narrow....
Gone fishing! |
Posted by hpyatt on Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:53 am |
BigPerk Wrote: | From initial post Quote: | jotted down his numberplate the next time they saw him on the road | Although I would have thought he might have argued 'that was just someone else's bike of the same make' |
.....wearing the same helmet, leathers and gloves with a stiff second finger on the right hand.
Posted by bonkey on Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:11 pm |
And now if that was me i would damage the camera, even if, to stop it scamming money for a period of time, let alone costing points on peoples licences! i honestly cannot understand why cameras are not damaged every day, all it takes is a can of spray paint and a quick squirt on the lense! I'd likely use spray glue or a chemical spray agent to damage the lense itself, thats if i were to get caught speeding by a camera of course. Lying cheating dishonest scum police are a different matter-why are so many police officers dishonest and lie these days? well actually as a bike rider i can say they have often been dishonest for as many years as i can recall-20+ but i have had the case thrown out of court on more than one occasion as clearly proved police blatently lying ;-)
Dissappointed with police
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