Half Of French Speed Cameras Out Of Action
Article by: rob brady Date: 16 Dec 2018
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It has been reported that half of France's speed cameras are out of action.
The nation's current unrest has led to many acts of vandalism targeted towards the devices - the bill is thought to now run into millions of euros.
I'm not sure those who are looking for more money from a beleaguered government have thought their actions through. Also, if caught, they can face up to seven years in prison or up to a €100,000 fine.
Apparently 250 cameras have been damaged beyond repair and 1,500 have been made temporarily inoperable - they have been covered in rubbish bags, clingfilm and have had their lenses painted over.
Posted by sussamb on Sun Dec 16, 2018 3:25 pm |
Yep, lots covered in pink paint, which seems the most popular colour, although I've seen yellow also used, or black bags taped over them
Where there's a will ... there's a way. |
Posted by b33jay on Wed Dec 19, 2018 1:55 pm |
There is a concerted effort by the authorities to repair/re-instate the cameras.
In addition efforts are being made. where possible. to identify the people concerned and bring them to justice - with some success. You wouldn't believe how naive people can be when committing criminal acts.