Google's Alternative to Speed Cameras?
Article by: robert Date: 13 Oct 2010
Who would have thought it - Google may eventually put to bed all the arguments about speed cameras. It looks probable that the cars of the future will be driverless and presumably always within the law if the search engine giant have anything to do with it.
Google believe that their new technology has the potential to cut by as much as half the 1.2 million lives that are lost every year in road traffic accidents. They are testing self-driving vehicles.
According to Google, they are trialing cars that can drive themselves with no human intervention across thousands of miles of public roads. During the tests, just in case, the cars are never actually unmanned - the "driver" is apparently able to regain control as easy as using cruise control.
Google already claims to have achieved 140,000 miles of pilotless driving down roads such as Hollywood Boulevard, the Pacific Coast Highway and even Lombard Street in San Francisco, the road that's believed to be the crookedest in the world.
The cars use a combination of video cameras, radar sensors and lasers, with detailed maps, lane markers and traffic signs, and are able to negotiate roads with busy traffic.
Google is working with researchers from Stanford and Carnegie Mellon University alongside several participants of the US government's Darpa Grand Challenge, driverless automobiles races.
Posted by iggy246 on Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:20 am |
It isn't April already, is it???
Posted by freedie on Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:07 am |
No; but yes but no but...
Garmin i3 ... very cheap, very good
Medion GoPal PNA510T ... very cheap, very good
Wife with map ... very expensive, utter crap |