Dummy Average Speed Cameras Deemed a Success
Article by: robert Date: 26 Mar 2011
 BBC Dorset has reported that the first ever suburban average speed cameras, with accompanying warning signs, are to remain in place.
The Home Office hasn't given their approval yet, so no motorists have actually been prosecuted, but the trial, in a residential area of Poole, Dorset, has been deemed a success.
The average speed cameras, which measure motorists' speed between points, were first turned on outside Springdale First school back in September. The previous average of 64 speeding drivers an hour, on the 30mph stretch of road, dropped to 16 an hour over the six month period.
Local engineering company Siemens, who are running the trial, hopes the system will eventually be approved.
Posted by pillboxman on Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:41 am |
Interesting, but what I would like to know is -
Is there any actual evidence that speed increases the likelihood of an accident?
By this I mean, by simply driving faster are you more likely to have an accident, or is it the case that it's bad driving that causes accidents. There are times when I feel that the speed limits are too fast, and times when they are far too slow.
The obvious case in point concerns weather conditions, whilst it is clearly safe to drive at 70 MPH on a Motorway in clear dry conditions, in fact it would be safe to exceed 100 MPH on most British Motorways; however it would be lethal to do so in a thick fog.
Surely accidents are caused by bad driving!
In the old days (I am quite ancient so I can remember) policemen used to watch for bad driving and ‘do’ those drivers found doing stupid things.
Not anymore though. I daily observe examples of poor or even downright bad driving being ignored by the police.
Posted by Darren on Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:54 am |
In reality of course the fact is that it isn't the speed that is the issue, it's the oft quoted "inappropriate use of speed" that is to blame.
Speed reduces reaction times which is also a huge factor.
In fairness to police, an offence has to be be proven and we've moved further an further away from accepting opinions as evidence. Whilst a police officer may well observe a case of bad driving, unless it is a clear offence then it is far from an easy matter to prove. Speeding is black and white to some extent, more so when it is enforced by a machine, but it is much harder to convict based on the opinion of a police officer.
And if you've ever seen the ridiculous quantity of paper work that requires completion for even the most minor of offences, then you'd understand why they're reluctant to bother on occasion.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by Darren on Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:03 pm |
Ah yes, re-read that a few times before I realised why it was wrong! Speed reduces the time in which you have to react is what I meant!
Darren Griffin |
Posted by M8TJT on Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:03 pm |
Darren Wrote: | Ah yes, re-read that a few times before I realised why it was wrong! Speed reduces the time in which you have to react is what I meant! | Or maybe 'increases the distance travelled before action is taken after reaction time.
Posted by pillboxman on Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:08 pm |
Ah, reduced reaction time, or reduced distance.
The point is that both are due to bad driving, not speed. If you are a good driver then you will allow enough distance between you and the next vehicle to allow getting out of trouble. 
Posted by DennisN on Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:36 pm |
Quote: | the first ever suburban average speed cameras |
Now what's all this about first ever? What about the ones in Gloucester? What about the ones in Nottingham? To name but a couple of bunches that I've driven through myself.
If it tastes good - it's fattening.
Two of them are obesiting!! |
Posted by technik on Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:38 pm |
I find the title of this thread misleading.
This isn't about dummy cameras, as it's a trial with real cameras.
Dummy cameras are just dummies, and have no working parts.
GO 620, Tomtom Android EU,
Garmin 2548LMT-D; 2599LMT-D |
Posted by M8TJT on Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:16 am |
Depends how you define dummy. RobBrady Wrote: | The Home Office hasn't given their approval yet, so no motorists have actually been prosecuted | Not active; no prosecutions; not real: Dummies.