Do Irish Men Really Need Their SatNav More Than Women?
Article by: robert Date: 30 Dec 2010
A new survey from AA Motor Insurance has found that on average, more men use their SatNavs more often than women in Ireland. The Irish men's website Joe.ie reports that out of over four thousand participants who used SatNavs, about 25 percent of men reported regularly using their device, as compared to only 14 percent of women. That's 560 women to a 1000 men who regularly use their SatNav devices to get directions to where they're going.
Makes you wonder about the old stereotype that men refuse to ask for directions, doesn't it? Or perhaps this just means that women rely on landmarks and road signs, where men are more comfortable with letting the technology do the thinking for them. Differences in types of journeys between the sexes may also have an impact on the statistics, such as school runs etc.
The survey also reveals only 5 percent of SatNav users admitted using their device every day, and most claimed that it was to track their travel time to common destinations, such as the work-to-home route. Makes sense when you think about it - if you can't remember your way to the places you go on a regular basis, your SatNav usage is probably the least of your worries, isn't it? This is still an interesting number, obviously many check time and mileage this way so it helps plan more efficient routes in future.
What is alarming though is the whopping 10 percent of users who reported having a near miss while programming their SatNavs en route - just like texting on a mobile phone, trying to set your destination while you drive is extremely dangerous. The trick with a SatNav is to treat it like any other tool - let it do the bit it does well for you, but don't let it control your actions.
This also applies to anyone who gets lost or taken the long way round by a SatNav with an old map. "Whilst it's a fantastic tool, it's also important to remember that your SatNav isn't infallible," said Director of AA Motor Insurance John Farrell. "If your instincts tell you you're not on the most practical course, take out your trusty map and double check.”
Posted by DennisN on Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:46 pm |
RobBrady Wrote: | A new survey from AA Motor Insurance has found that on average, more men use their SatNavs more often than women in Ireland. |
Now that's interesting - I was, of course attracted by the story headline, so I'm presuming that French, Italian and Latin-American men use their women more than their satnavs and I'm curious to hear whether there are any statistics on the English?
If it tastes good - it's fattening.
Two of them are obesiting!! |
Posted by Andy_P on Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:50 pm |

"Settling in nicely" ;-) |
Posted by Guivre46 on Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:33 pm |
DennisN; what a subtle gentleman. My mind went instantly to smut...
Mike R [aka Wyvern46]
Go 530T - unsupported
Go550 Live [not renewed]
Kia In-dash Tomtom |
Posted by Green_ninja on Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:56 pm |
It's probably more to do with the different driving (I am generalising) but women tend to do more repeat and shorter journeys, plus Men are more gadget oriented so maybe have it on but are not using the directions, could also be using it for Scameras but not directions.
Posted by Kar98 on Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:25 am |
Hell, at least I can get the sat nav to quit nagging, and it's not actually TRYING to piss me off.