CoPilot Live launches on Android
ALK have today announced the immediate availability of CoPilot Live for Android-based phones.
CoPilot Live can be purchased direct from the Android Market and includes turn-by-turn navigation with voice guidance, 3D mapping, direct dialling POis, location sending via SMS, photo navigation and portrait/landscape modes.
CoPilot Live makes full use of the 'connected' nature of the Android phones and offers real-time traffic alerts, 5-day weather forecast information and a new location sharing service named CoPilot LiveLink'.
This is welcome news, it demonstrates that this version is not just a port of a PPC solution but instead has been designed to make full use of the facilities available and even adds new services. The same cannot so far be said of the iPhone equivalents released so far.
CoPilot Live is available in the Android Market accessed from your Android device at £25.99 for UK & Ireland and £59.99 for Europe.
Posted by hailstorm on Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:22 am |
Need this for iPhone please. With realtime traffic etc it sounds more fully featured than anything else we've had for iPhone so far.
Posted by JockRumgay on Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:47 pm |
Hmmm £26 for UK, £60 for Europe - I'm pretty annoyed that my "special discount" price for an upgrade from CP6 to CP7 costs £94. I don't think the SD card warrants the extra £34 somehow, even leaving out the fact mine is an upgrade rather than an entirely new licence as with the Android version!
Posted by rileyp1 on Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:11 pm |
CoPilot 8 (yes thats CoPilot 8) on the t-Mobile is amazing. Just brought it and am already starting to wonder what to do with my old TomTom device, it looks so ancient along side CoPilot.
Will do a full run down on the application once I've used it for a couple of days, but in the meantime this could be part of the collection of applications for Android that could give Apple, Palm, Windows and Symbian a bloody nose.
Posted by A1Dox on Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:20 am |
Hi rileyp1
rileyp1 Wrote: | Will do a full run down on the application once I've used it for a couple of days. |
Do you (or anybody else) know if the PGPSW speed Cams POI files are supported on the Android version?
Dox |
Posted by Wiggo on Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:01 pm |
yes the PGPSW cameras are supported. I've posted a long and rambling thread on the cameras forum on my experiences so far. Not perfect, but I'm still experimenting...