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Newcastle's Chronicle Live reports that Newcastle upon Tyne's fixed speed cameras have all been switched off in a bid to save cash - and have been for the best part of two years, with some even inoperative as far back as 2007.
Council officials have confirmed that some of the city's fourteen cameras were never even connected to the mains. The remaining cameras were reportedly switched off to save the council £500 on installing signs for each site to comply with Department for Transport guidance.
Apparently the city's speed cameras have only been active for three days over the last four years, but, as fate would have it, Barry Rowland, the Chief Executive of Newcastle City Council, the man ultimately responsible for the area's cameras, managed to be one of the few motorists to be caught on one of those very rare occasions.
Mr Rowland commented: “I do recall receiving a fixed penalty ticket from a speed camera on the Coast Road some time ago. It would seem that this was during the short period that the cameras were in operation. The irony is inescapable.”
The story coincides with news that several of the city's cameras have been turned back on again this week.
However, I'm not brave enough to tell "the management" that we're locking the topic and to tell you to use the search function!
"Settling in nicely" ;-)
Posted by RobBrady on Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:36 am
Indeed I wasn't the first - I "promote" these type of stories to the front page as only a relatively small amount of people would see the story in the forums.
The front page gets a lot more attention, not least because it gets included in Google's News service.
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