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China completes deployment of BeiDou NavigatioN System

Article by: Darren Griffin
Date: 20 Dec 2019

The successful launch of the 52nd and 53rd BeiDou navigation satellites on Dec 17th signalled the completion of the core of the BeiDou system with it now at operational capacity and capable of delivering global navigation services.

24 of the latest generation BDS-3 satellites have been launched since 2017 setting a new world record for deploying a global satellite navigation system with 35 planned to be available at full completion.

In total, China has launched 53 BeiDou satellites today. That includes older technology demonstration models and initial prototypes that are no longer operational. This latest phase include six geosynchronous satellites in high orbits and twenty-four medium earth orbit satellites.

Source: china.org.cn

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Posted by M8TJT on Fri Dec 20, 2019 9:37 am Reply with quote

Surely the last paragraph should read "In total, China has launched 53 BeiDou satellites to date." Or did they really launch 53 sats in a day?

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