CamerAlert v1.0.2 has been approved
Article by: Mike Barrett Date: 23 Apr 2010
After a long time in review Apple have just approved our 1.0.2 release for CamerAlert which means it should appear in the various Appstores soon.
This release introduces new functionality for muting and controlling the iPod and audio routing. It also includes a number of big fixes.
Audio routing can now be configured such that audio alerts are played through the iPhone speaker irrespective of other settings or connection to a car-kit, aux-in etc. This is configured in the 'sound warnings' screen of setup or via the icon to the right of the iPod pop-up.
We have also added an option to remove directional detection of cameras. Owing to the addition of iPod controls the averaging icon has been removed. To set the averaging feature simply tap on the speed display.
The full change list follows:
- no longer showing a speed limit for a rear-ended (orphan) END Specs - added logic to stop averaging when a non-SPECS camera is active after leaving the SPECs zone (prior logic would wait for the list to become empty) - further hardening of the track recording code to lessen the risk of concurrent track recording attempts - fixed bug where the expanded map would not fill the screen properly when submitting a camera and then rotating the phone - fixed bug where the average text would appear during rotation despite averaging not being on - fixed bug where averaging could be triggered independently of tracking. - fixed logic flaw and bug that would sound an all clear for an orphaned END or EXIT SPECs. - fixed bug that would prevent iPod from restarting after voice note recording - Improved in-app logo appearance - changed "Use direction data" back to "Ignore direction data" - fixed bug that was not painting average overspeed - added feature to ignore directional data - better handling of "unknown" and "variable" speed limits - cleaner handling of timers - changes for night mode table section headers - fixed a number of issues with the timers used in the application. The "All Clear" timer should no longer fire randomly. - speed and average button now with black background in night mode - Initial version of ipod controls - speed and average now touchable buttons. - changes to the audio routing logic. When speaker output is not enforced, use media playback instead of play and record - bug fix for server version logic flaw - audio route forced to speaker option now working - further hardening against the dbserver error - ipod fading now supported - further hardening against bug related crashes.
Posted by dougproctor on Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:47 pm |
Just downloaded this from App Store. If it is as good as the rest of the data on here, worth much more than 59p!!
Thanks guys, will report back when I try it out over the weekend.
Returned to a proper Garmin although still have Co-Pilot on a Galaxy S3! |
Posted by szetok on Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:59 am |
Available as an update via Itunes, just done mine, will test it on the way home tonight
Posted by delbell on Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:21 pm |
Will give it a go round North & South London as there are a few mistakes with the existing camera preferances.
Well worth 59p for all the effort put in by everbody, many thanks.