CamerAlert Scores 4 Out Of 5 Stars In TapMag Review
Article by: Darren Griffin Date: 20 Jan 2012
 Tap!, the leading iOS App Magazine, has tested our CamerAlert app in this month's issue.
In a detailed review that pitched CamerAlert against the AA's RoadPilot powered Safety Camera App, CamerAlert came out on top with a convincing 4 out of 5 stars to the AA's 2.
The reviewer concluded, "CamerAlert gets our vote - we love the map interface."
We're naturally delighted to win in the test. Not only does it reflect the work we've put into the app itself, but it's also nice to beat RoadPilot.
Tap magazine is available in all good newsagents, and as a digital magazine in the iOS Newsstand section. The latest issue is Issue 13. www.tapmag.co.uk
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Posted by tomtomgoer on Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:03 pm |
Interesting. As an avid IOS Apps devotee, I must admit to never having heard of Taps! magazine until I got the weekly PocketGPSWorld newsletter. I will certainly have a look at it now, but the publishers may wish to re-think their marketing strategy, particularly as they are apparently "the leading IOS App magazine". Having PocketGPSWorld plug them always helps of course!
Posted by Darren on Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:13 pm |
<cough> It's Tap! as in The App Magazine, not Taps!, no plumbing supplies in this one
As an aside there's another one which is iOS/Android called Apps Magazine, which is well worth a read too.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by tomtomgoer on Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:19 pm |
Very familiar with knowyourapps Darren, just never heard of Tap! Mag, although familiar with plenty of plumbing mags. I am not a plumber by trade, which in itself tells a story about the marketing of Tap! Mag. Of course if I had heard of it before maybe I wouldn't have made such a basic mistake with the name! ;-)