Build your own GPS Satellite - Build & Win A Subscription
Article by: Darren Griffin Date: 2 Oct 2009
Have you ever fancied your own GPS Satellite? Well perhaps not but how about a model of these amazing pieces of technology.
Oribiting at a height of 12,000 miles (to put that into perspective, the space shuttle occupies an orbit of less than 200 miles!) the GPS Satellites beam a signal that can be picked up by your GPS with a timing accuracy of millionths of a second!
Baseband Technologies, a canadian GPS Software Consultancy, have produced a great .pdf build guide to make your very own GPS Satellite out of paper and card.
The model is not some child's project either, recreating the design of a Block III GPS very accurately. All you require is access to a colour printer and some basic materials to build a 10" tall model.
So who has the craft skills necessary to build one? Have a go, post images of your efforts and we'll award a one year speedcam subscription to the best.
The instructions are here and the plans here.
Posted by catnamedog on Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:14 pm |
This is a fantastic project! I never dreamed that one day I could have my very own GPS satellite.
My only question, really is: will this work in Warrington, at a height of about 30 feet above sea level?
I can't see me getting it into a high earth orbit, and Warrington Transport don't run anything like a regular service.....
Posted by Darren on Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:43 pm |
Clearly we have no arty types amongst us Surely someone must have the skills required to have a go, I'm tempted to have a blast myself!
Darren Griffin |
Posted by mikealder on Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:27 pm |
I have the body part made up, next are all the aerials which will take quite some time, its not difficult but best user a laser jet printer rather than ink as the solar panels don't look quite right when the ink soaks the paper.
I am not getting in to a race building it though, it took me nearly three hours to build the main center body on Saturday night (beats watching X-Factor though) and it looks quite good, larger than I initially thought it would be to be honest, the kids even recognised it as the same as the wallpaper on my main PC (sad )- Mike
Posted by Darren on Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:31 pm |
Nice one! I might use fuse or solder wire for the antenna and get some gold foil for the body.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by hardy on Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:20 pm |
Yes - found the instructions for building the hardware O.K but where are the schematics, circuit diagram and components list to make it all work? And how many will I need to make to ensure an accurate fix. Galileo from the E.S.A seems to be taking so long!
Seriously is the new E..SA 'Egnos' ( http://www.esa.int/esaCP/SEM2HGF280G_index_0.html ) of any relevance to our GPS receivers?
Posted by Darren on Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:08 am |
Reported here.
Darren Griffin |