Anquet Launch New Family Of Apps And Anquet Cloud
Article by: Mike Barrett Date: 15 Mar 2012
 Earlier this month Anquet announced a new family of apps and Anquet Cloud to glue them all together. Anquet Outdoor Map Navigator is the desktop app and is available now. This features a completely reworked user interface designed to make the creation and sharing of data easy. There is a 'Pro' version of the App which features 3D mapping and GPS plotting of your current position.
The Apps are based around 'Raster Maps' typically used by walkers and outdoor types to navigate off-road. The maps available include Ordnance Survey maps of the UK. These are available for purchase online and downloadable from the Anquet Map Store within the PC App.
The App family will soon be completed by the introduction of an iPhone App and an Android App. These will sync with your PC App via Anquet Cloud. If you buy a map on the PC it will be available for download on your mobile device. You can also sync your routes, and waypoints using Anquet Cloud.
The Anquet press release follows:
Anquet Launches New Family of Apps and Anquet Cloud Today, leading outdoor digital mapping company Anquet announced the official launch of Outdoor Map Navigator for PC, the first in a new family of mapping and navigation apps for PC, Android and iPhone. Also launched is Anquet Cloud, a free cloud service built into the Outdoor Map Navigator apps which lets users synchronise maps and routes across devices at the click of a button. The combination of Outdoor Map Navigator and Anquet Cloud is a major break-through in outdoor navigation technology. In the past, plotting a route on a PC and then following it on real OS maps on a smartphone was always a bit too fiddly and technical for many. Anquet’s new technology promises to make it far simpler, which is certain to appeal to the vast majority of everyday walkers, climbers and cyclists.
“We set out to build the next generation of mapping and navigation software for outdoors people,” says Graham Hughes, Managing Director. “We knew it had to work on PCs, smartphones and tablets and we knew it had to be very capable but easy to use at the same time. Then we thought how great it would be if you could log-in on any device and have your library of maps and routes immediately available. The answer was to build a new family of apps for PC, iPhone and Android which access a personal maps and routes library in ‘the cloud’. Users could then connect to the cloud through their apps, synchronise their maps and routes and take off anywhere they fancied.” More about the Outdoor Map Navigator apps
So far, Anquet has declared that their new Outdoor Map Navigator apps will be available on three platforms, PC, Android and iPhone.
Outdoor Map Navigator for PC is available now. It’s a fully featured digital mapping and route planning application. It shares a lot of functionality with Anquet’s long-standing and hugely popular Anquet v06 software but the core technology has been completely re-engineered to make it much faster and smoother. It uses a modern ribbon-style interface which most readers will be familiar with from Microsoft Office 2010 and, of course, it synchronises with Anquet Cloud. There is a very capable free version of the software, ideal for most people, and an optional upgrade to a Pro version (£40) which includes a wealth of advanced extra features such as 3D mapping , A3 printing and GPS connectivity.
Outdoor Map Navigator for Android and iPhone are in BETA now. Anquet expect both to be available to all this spring. Anquet has resisted the temptation to bloat the apps with rarely used features, instead devoting all their energy into making sure the apps are fast, extremely solid and very easy to use. Like the PC app, the Android and iPhone apps have Anquet Cloud built in so maps and routes synchronise across devices at the click of a button.
“Right from the start, the design ethos was to make things as simple as possible without compromising functionality. We wanted apps that did everything they needed to do but as simply as possible,” says Graham Hughes, Managing Director http://www.anquet.com/apps/apps.aspx
More about Anquet Cloud Anquet Cloud stores maps and routes so they are safely backed up and available everywhere. Access to Anquet Cloud is through the Outdoor Map Navigator apps and the service is provided free of charge.
To synchronise with Anquet Cloud, users click a button and a connection is made over the Internet. Routes download automatically but users choose which of their maps they’d like to download onto a device.
In practical terms, Anquet Cloud means users can plot a route on their PC, synchronise with the Anquet Cloud and the route is available on their smartphone. Or, buy a map at work and then download it on their home PC and / or smartphone.
“Up until this point, mapping and navigation solutions have never felt all that joined up. Getting routes and maps from one device to another was always fiddly. We set out to change that. We knew how much better it would be if your maps and routes were just there on all your devices without having to think about it. And that’s exactly what the combination of Outdoor Map Navigator and Anquet Cloud achieves,” says Ed Marriage, Commercial Director. http://www.anquet.com/cloud.aspx
How the maps work Anquet offers a huge range of keenly priced maps from Ordnance Survey and others. Once downloaded, the maps are stored on the device so they’ll work without a data connection – essential for use in remote places. Users can add to their map library at any time and maps of the same type build into a perfect seamless layer. Maps are compatible with all Outdoor Map Navigator apps and they are automatically added to Anquet Cloud at the point of purchase so they can be downloaded directly into their Outdoor Map Navigator apps on any device.
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Posted by TieJustice on Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:17 am |
this sounds good BUT at £40.00 for pro when there is a big market out there that offer the same things no thanks ill stay with my free apps that work just fine.
"Transfer route data to and from any GPS device with complete ease"
been doing this for years with google sorry old news, and if the GPS is any good to start with you would not need to do this.