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30 New Speed Cameras Coming To Scotland

Article by: rob brady
Date: 30 Mar 2017

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Thirty new average speed cameras are to be installed on the A90 in Scotland before autumn.

The point-to-point cameras will cover a 50 mile stretch between Dundee and Stonehaven.

They will replace the existing 40 fixed and mobile speed cameras on the route, between three to four miles apart and on both sides of the road.

The initiative will cost almost £2 million and work is reportedly due to start soon.

Luke Macauley, the head of the Scottish Safety Camera Programme, commented: "There are average speed cameras on the A9 and A77 and, while it is not appropriate to make direct comparisons between different roads, we know there's been a reduction in casualties since average speed cameras were introduced."

He added: "On the A90 there were 3 fatal collisions and 6 serious collisions in 2015. More than 3 out of 5 vehicles are exceeding the speed limit and more than 1 in 5 are exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 miles per hour."

Scottish Government transport minister Humza Yousaf said the Scottish Government is "working towards an ultimate vision of zero fatalities".


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Posted by Davidonly on Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:49 am Reply with quote

ASC's - are not anything like as effective as claimed. Like all speed cameras there is no RCT or even controlled data about their impact.

Evidence from A77 was cofounded by closure of cross-overs at the same time as the control freakery was installed - conclusions from the data therefore cannot be made.

A9 - Lorry speed limit increased to 50mph at the same time as the control freakery was installed - conclusions from the data therefore cannot be made.

A14 - removal of fixed cams at the same time as ASC's installed - sudden braking had been a source of problems at scam sites.

Still no real evidence anywhere that these things are worth the cost..... And the more state control we put up with the more will be applied to us (in all areas of life)

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