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28 Drivers Caught Dodging Average Speed Cameras

Article by: rob brady
Date: 15 Aug 2014

Twenty eight speeding motorists have been caught trying to evade detection by speed cameras along two stretches of South Australian highway covering 84 kilometres.

By driving on the wrong side of the road, many motorists thought they were dodging the average speed cameras but South Australia Police caught and fined them AUD$846 plus a AUD$60 victims of crime levy (approximate total of UK £506).

The cameras, which also detect speeding at the starting and finishing points of the average speed zones, caught a total of 297 speeders after just 31 days in operation.

The Superintendent of the area's Traffic Support Branch thought the figures were low, commenting "We shouldn't be satisfied there have been 279 detections but when you think of the tens of thousands of cars that have driven along those roads during this month then I think South Australian road users who have been on those roads have a great deal to be proud of."

Referring to the obvious dangers of manoeuvering a vehicle to avoid detection, he added that those who were attempting to avoid the cameras were still being caught. He also said that police data showed that cameras had improved driver behaviour within the two zones.

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Posted by photoradarscam on Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:06 pm Reply with quote

Great, for every 10 detections there's 1 driver engaging in risky activity to avoid the tickets. And at a rate of 10 tickets per day, is it really worth it? I guess it is if the goal is to rake in the easy money.

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