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3790 Firmware Update to Ver 2.50

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:53 pm    Post subject: 3790 Firmware Update to Ver 2.50 Reply with quote

Garmin has just released their first update for the 37X0 series via webupdater

No mention of the Mapsource issue though

Changes made from version 2.20 to 2.50:

* Fixed an issue that could cause a hourglass to display indefinitely during an address search.
* Fixed an issue that could cause a shutdown if viewing the Trip Planner page at the exact second that the trip is scheduled to begin.
* Fixed a potential shutdown when viewing the Where Am I page in certain countries.
* Fixed an issue that could cause the unit to get stuck in the Voice Command interface.
* Fixed a potential lockup when retrieving advertisement data.
* Fixed an issue that could cause a unit to remain stuck on the Loading Maps screen.
* Fixed an issue with the dial tone not using the correct volume level.
* Fixed an issue that could make the Touchscreen unresponsive after resuming.
* Fixed an issue that caused End User License Agreements to incorrectly display in Night mode.
* Fixed a potential shutdown caused by certain map geometry.
* Fixed an issue that would cause a unit to shutdown when images were loaded into multiple folders.
* Fixed an issue that caused the Trip Planner to show incorrect number of days for certain months.
* Fixed an issue that caused maps not to display for certain countries if other maps were loaded.
* Fixed display of two-line destinations in the Trip Planner.
* Fixed an issue that caused Flemish not to display as an available language.
* Fixed a potential issue when calculating a route with traffic.
* Fixed an issue that caused custom Points of Interest alerts to only occur on one side of the road.
* Fixed an issue that could cause unit not to turn ON correctly after Suspending.
DriveLuxe 51 LMT D - Firmware 6.80
Previously owned: DriveLuxe 50 LMT-D, NuviCam LMT-D, Nuvi 3598 LMT-D, Nuvi 3490LMT, 3790T, 1690, 765, 760, 660, 610, 360, 310, 300 and Streetpilot i3
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems to have fixed the SpeedCams issue where they didn't all display - haven't tested the Traffic Red Light issue yet though
DriveLuxe 51 LMT D - Firmware 6.80
Previously owned: DriveLuxe 50 LMT-D, NuviCam LMT-D, Nuvi 3598 LMT-D, Nuvi 3490LMT, 3790T, 1690, 765, 760, 660, 610, 360, 310, 300 and Streetpilot i3
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well if you can verify that all 3rd party POIs work correctly then I might just order another one, however I'm giving serious consideration to a TT750 Live as the traffic antenna is built into the unit, rather than that monstrosity that Garmin provide.

Also I know what the maximum size memory card I can use with it is, unlike Garmin who tell us nothing.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Webupdater didn't work for me - I had to do it through myDashboard. This is a very recent update - it wasn't there this morning. No improvement in the MapSource route transfer issue; having earlier thought it was a 3790 firmware issue, I now think it will require a MapSource update so it will save routes to the unit in the new nnnnnnnnnn.trip file format. A Garmin tech rep did write to me a couple of weeks ago that "There will be a software update to address the compatibility with Mapsource" but could not say when it would be released.

The "issue that caused custom Points of Interest alerts to only occur on one side of the road" probably explains why I got A10 speed cameras on the way north but not on the way south. Bizarre.

I've discovered that very occasionally you can change the order of the via points on an internally-generated route by tapping the faint grey lines/arrows symbol at the RH end, but it doesn't work most of the time.
J D Gwinnell
nuvi 3598LMT-D
Montana 650, Oregon 650
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:47 pm    Post subject: POI loading issue Reply with quote

And - since the firmware update, and I think it must be related - POI loader no longer loads to the POI folder on the unit, and complains about connection problems. It does load to the microSD card I've installed, though - experience with earlier models suggests it's happy to read the file from there.
J D Gwinnell
nuvi 3598LMT-D
Montana 650, Oregon 650
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:41 pm    Post subject: updating firmware Reply with quote

Unlike other earlier Nuvis (but like the Oregon) once the firmware update has been downloaded to the unit, it does not restart by itself once disconnected. So, contrary to the warnings, you have to re-start it yourself and to begin with it starts loading maps - only a few moments later does it think again, run the LOADER and then update the software. As getting this wrong can turn a unit into an expensive brick, it's scary the first time.
J D Gwinnell
nuvi 3598LMT-D
Montana 650, Oregon 650
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some POI's are still not showing. Also it still won't let me choose just Custom POI's in (Tools - Settings - Navigation - Car - Proximity Points - Alerts) Sad

Still, I do l like it though
Garmin Nuvi 3790T Firmware 4.30
Also Owned
Garmin Nuvi 200W, 760, 770, 765T
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:30 pm    Post subject: POIs Reply with quote

I got 100% of the custom POIs and alerts on a local trip today. I solved the selection of Garmin/Cyclops cameras issues by re-naming the file on the unit so it can't load it - I found with the 1490 that the map display would often freeze when the Cyclops file (during my free trial month) was showing a 'mobile camera active zone', so that was one reason to ditch them.
J D Gwinnell
nuvi 3598LMT-D
Montana 650, Oregon 650
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