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CamerAlert for other devices
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So those of us people who don't subscribe to the "Apple Must Dominate The World" view are yet again disadvantaged.

By what technical process are CamerAlert users receiving immediate updates that can't be utilised by Windows Mobile devices? Is it just a case of somebody writing an app to do it?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

marc_holmes wrote:
So those of us people who don't subscribe to the "Apple Must Dominate The World" view are yet again disadvantaged.

By what technical process are CamerAlert users receiving immediate updates that can't be utilised by Windows Mobile devices? Is it just a case of somebody writing an app to do it?

i'm not an 'apple must dominate the world' person. i just like the iphone, it's simple to use and is great in terms of backing up and restoring etc. appstore is very well done too. i like my android too.

how exactly are you disadvantaged? i could have said the same as a garmin user that tomtom users had an advantage cos they had the poicapture software. i still manage to submit cameras and just accepted that different devices have different functions.

it is a connected device, we wrote the app and, as such, we are able to set it up to use the live database. they are not receiving immediate updates. the users still need to manually connect to the server and download the data - it's not 'pushed' out to them.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

marc_holmes wrote:
So those of us people who don't subscribe to the "Apple Must Dominate The World" view are yet again disadvantaged.

Whinging about Apple supremacy won't get alternative clients built any quicker, infact it slows down those developers who may / are working on alternative clients because they have to take time to read your nonsense.

marc_holmes wrote:
By what technical process are CamerAlert users receiving immediate updates that can't be utilised by Windows Mobile devices? Is it just a case of somebody writing an app to do it?

There isn't a technical means to stop instant updates, providing a user has a half-decent dataplan on their handset. YES it's just a case of someone writing an app, but these things don't happen overnight.

There's no denying that Apple's market for mobile devices is one of the biggest on the planet, both in terms of revenue and sheer number of users, this is why I presume the PGPSW staff targeted the iPhone as their *first* port of call, they haven't said that clients for alternative platforms aren't in development :p

Incidentally, I'm an android user, and I'm waiting patiently for an android client, it's a word you might wish to familiarise yourself with ;)
Jason “Foxdie“ Gaunt
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

@MaFt, sorry should have said "more frequent updates" instead of immediate, didn't mean to imply they were pushed. But the question stands regarding the ability of non-iPhone users to receive more frequent updates. And I'm not in anyway implying that I expect PGPSW to write it, but to allow others too if they have the skills/requirement.

@Foxdie, I'm no expert on timing but some platforms (i.e. Symbian, Windows Mobile) have been around a lot longer than the iPhone and Android. So why was something not developed before (and again I'm not saying I expect PGPSW to develop it, but maybe just provide the access mechanism)? How long have we all been whinging about TomTom not releasing more uptodate version of Navigator, yet they seem happy to release new versions for the iPhone.

(I felt compelled to put the first statement in my original post to ellicit a response. It worked. Job done.)
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

if an app is sold in the appstore it WILL work on the iphone 3g and 3gs etc.

symbian, winmo and android are available on hundreds of different devices with different memory and cpu configurations as well as different screen resolutions. this makes programming far more difficult. also, their associated 'app stores' are far less mature than apple's. this makes potential numbers of users far lower. hence we opted for the iphone first.

i've spoken to the team and the next development of CamerAlert is for the legacy Nokia devices (3210 etc). it will be SMS based - you send me a premium-rate SMS with your location and i reply with your local cameras. shouldn't take long to set up.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And there lies the crux of the problem - non-standard devices.

If rumours are to be believed and WM7 will enforce standards on devices ala iphone then it should make app development easier. But unfortunately at what cost (re: customisation).

So there's no chance they could develop a very simple app (i.e. low graphics so its works on most phones) for WM or Symbian, etc that would allow camera updates to be downloaded on demand as per the CamerAlert?

I assume there must be quite a difference between the delivery mechanisms, website (full download) vs. iPhone (updates)?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MaFt wrote:
i've spoken to the team and the next development of CamerAlert is for the legacy Nokia devices (3210 etc). it will be SMS based - you send me a premium-rate SMS with your location and i reply with your local cameras. shouldn't take long to set up.

I like the sound of this, will it work on my 7250i if I get it out of retirement and what format will the local cameras be in? Laughing - Mike
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry to be a bit of a pain but where can i put a request through for a app for the blackberry storm?? Cheers.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

where can i put a request through for a app for the blackberry storm??

.... You're tempting providence a bit there, diesel_dog Razz Twisted Evil
(Navigon 70 Live, Nuvi 360)
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ok, for the record, here is a copy of an email query and the reply:

When will the database be released for the blackberry as it is the best selling phone in the uk as well as Europe and out sells the iphone 5 to 1

While that may be true we are not talking about selling phones. CamerAlert is an app for phones that needs to be purchased by phone users. Of the 4 BlackBerry users I know only one has bought an app for their phone. Of the 5 Android users I know 4 have bought at least one app form the Android Market. Of the many Nokia users I know most have bought an app and all have downloaded free apps. Of the iPhone users I know every one has bought multiple apps.

The issue is not how many phones are out there but how many users are willing to pay for apps. At present, in general, BlackBerry users don't buy enough apps or us to warrant developing CamerAlert for that platform. Ditto for Nokia at the moment. If the market changes then yes, we may consider it.

Hope that helps?

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:14 pm    Post subject: Is there anyway to integrate this with the tomtom maps? Reply with quote

I've got the cameralert and the tomtom maps on my Iphone. In an ideal world I'd like to put the cameralert cameras onto the tomtom maps like I did on my PND.

Is this possible & if not directly - is there a workaround?

At the moment I have tomtom app running in background & the cameralert app running as a main app


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

v1.2 will run in the background on 3GS and i4 running iOS4 and above.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:28 pm    Post subject: Thankyou Reply with quote


Look forward to it - so much better than tomtom cameras.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just thought I'd break my lurking status and register my interest in any potential Android version of the CamerAlert app.

Whilst I enjoy taking the mickey out of Steve Jobs' Army of Fashion Sheep, I appreciate the additional burden of programming for the Android platform, so it's not my intention to demand the app, I'd just like to add my voice to let you know there is at least one more user who would pay for an Androind flavour CamerAlert!

Keep up the good work,

All the best,

Dr. W.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another vote for an Android version, please.

The Android market place is growing rapidly, in line with the number of Android phones now being sold. CamerAlert would sit nicely alongside the Maps, MyTracks and Turn by Turn apps I currently have installed; I can see the day when I don't need a separate SatNav or handheld gps device Very Happy
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