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Tomtom 7 - Symbian?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:48 pm    Post subject: Tomtom 7 - Symbian? Reply with quote

Since TT7 has been sort of spotted in the wild here: http://www.pocketgpsworld.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=71187

I was wondering if anyone had any information about a Symbian version.

Im guessing not, since no-one even knows about the WM version.

But can this be a request for someone to post here if they do find out something?

That way I can be alerted to anything, and post on the various others sites (Nokia/symbian ones) to relay it. A lot of people would be very happy about this. me included, especially as mapshare appears to be with it.

I have sent an email off to my contact at tomtom (not as good as it sounds, just someone at the PR department) hoping for an answer. I have never got anything other than a 'we dont know'. Which is very off IMO, at the very least say yes or no and let us look elsewhere if need be.

Im just hoping that if there is a symbian version, they dont hack out a load of features like they usually do.

Oh, and a polite request -

Can all you *******s that downloaded it actually buy a copy this time?

It may or may not have been the reason for such a lack of care from tomtom, but Im sure it certainly didnt help.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Add me to the those waiting... My maps are two years out of date. I am on the verge of looking elsewhere...
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:15 pm    Post subject: Re: Tomtom 7 - Symbian? Reply with quote

Bartmanekul wrote:

Im guessing not, since no-one even knows about the WM version.

In Poland TomTom7 is present on the samrtphones distributerd by ERA operator.
Phones are working under WM6 AFAIK, so, the version exists.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

For those who may not know.

Symbain Operating System (S60R3) runs on some Nokia phones and a couple of Samsung and Sony (I think).

Windows Mobile, a diferent Operating System, is used on Smartphones as well as PDA's e.g. Ipaq, Dell and a few Samsungs as well..

TT have developed a WM6 version of TT Navigator. The release you can buy in the shops is TTN6. They have shipped, preloaded in a few European countries TTN7. This is not yet on general release.

So both the Navigator Products for WM and Symbian are stuck at verison 6, while the All in One units now come with version 8!
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some of the older Sonys have UIQ, which is a form of symbian on them.

However for the new ones, they are going down the WM route (X1 being an example).

While TT7 is only on preloaded devices, it has been hacked and is available. I even tried it on my old MIO 168.

I dont agree with this, but then I have spoken to a lot of people who want to buy TT7 for their devices, but simply cannot.

There is plenty of people who dont like the Diamond (the device TT7 is installed on), so they should make it retail and gain some of the sales they are losing by forcing people to torrent TT7 just because they dont want a HTC diamond.

Or, simply go to another company (Copilot, garmin).

So if the reason for not releasing it retail is the piracy - epic fail?

A really bad situation now, where the people who get the pirate copies can do so, and the people that pay for the software cannot! How the hell does that help anyone, TT or the potential customers?

Since my old Mio is running god knows what version of WM - definatly one or 2 versions behind the Diamond - and the hacked TT7 still works, why not make it retail?

I want to buy TT7. But if I had a WM device, I can only hack it. Let people be able to PAY for it!!

TT6 for symbian only officially supports the E65 - an outdated and old device. Dispite the fact it (sort of) works on the N95, N82, 6110N, etc.

By not offerring anything for Symbian, they are allowing Nokia, Copilot, Garmin and others get a good foothold.

And since Symbian has by far the biggest market in mobile devices, thats yet another stupid move.

I dont know if TT think that its going to push up sales of their dedicated devices by not offering it for mobile devices.

If so, they are sorely mistaken. Most people with their expensive mobile devices do not want to use a seperate dedicated device, for a variety of reasons.

I have said it before, and I will say it again. Its nothing short of stupid for TT to ignore the mobile market.

TT have got themselves in a very stupid position which makes no sense, and I am not suprised if we see another big loss the next time TT publishes its results.

And I wont be sympathetic either.
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