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Ad Supported/Free GPS and Travel Concierge Announced

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:22 pm    Post subject: Ad Supported/Free GPS and Travel Concierge Announced Reply with quote

Is this the future for GPS; are you one step away from your next SatNav being subsidised by advertising companies?

After years of talk sprinkled with a good measure of hype, location based services are still dragging their feet. The GPS industry is still keenly looking for the most suitable business models, Amongst all the noise, is it possible that the push start needed lies in subsidised, even free, handsets?

adNav, a GPS marketing solutions company, has signalled its upcoming launch of Boomerang, an ad supported mobile concierge system integrated with GPS navigation aimed to help both business and leisure travellers while away from home. Scheduled to launch in November, adNav announced their product at CTIA Wireless I.T. and Entertainment in San Francisco this week.

Powered by Tele Atlas digital map data and content, the system offers unlimited access to services such as restaurant, movie, event and city guides, weather, currency exchange calculators, live flight information and mobile Internet access connected via mobile networks and WiFi. It even contains mobile room service and games to while away the time in your hotel room.

Boomerang will be offered, depending on partner, at little or no cost to the end user.

"The Boomerang will revolutionize the interaction that consumers have with their travel service providers," said Mordy Loksen, Co-Founder and CTO of adNav. "By offering a product with constant connectivity, we have a multitude of exciting applications already and many more in the works that create an accurate, reliable offering that will enhance any trip."

Boomerang will be available to travel service providers through adNav’s partner hotels and car hire companies as an added value concierge service for guests. Local recommendations will be constantly available via a connection through the virtual concierge desk.

When a traveller arrives at an adNav partner hotel or car rental, they will be offered full functioning voice guided GPS navigation, including unlimited access to the web through WiFi and cellular networks.

Additionally, users will have access to hundreds of pages of geo coded city and restaurant guides allowing them to touch the desired destination in the city guide and receive directions through GPS.
Robert Brady
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unfortunately, I can just see this as developing from being another way for marketing information to be delivered into something far more insidious.
I can see this technology being hijacked, and "sponsored" POI files being downloaded to your device without your intervention.
The next step would be to have voice adverts attached to the POI files so when you pass within a certain distance of a particular retailer you get the advert played.
After that, how about dynamically re-routing you to the nearest shop, or garage, or restaurant?
"Press the 'NO' button now to resume your original route"

Think it won't happen?

One of the reasons TMC is not as well developed as it could be is that there is little or no money to be made.
Can you see Tesco, Sainsbury's et al turning down the chance to grab more customers, and more profit?

I just hope I am being paranoid.

Nurse, the screens!!!
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

alistairm1 wrote:
Unfortunately, I can just see this as developing from being another way for marketing information to be delivered into something far more insidious.
I can see this technology being hijacked, and "sponsored" POI files being downloaded to your device without your intervention.
The next step would be to have voice adverts attached to the POI files so when you pass within a certain distance of a particular retailer you get the advert played.
After that, how about dynamically re-routing you to the nearest shop, or garage, or restaurant?
"Press the 'NO' button now to resume your original route"

Think it won't happen?

One of the reasons TMC is not as well developed as it could be is that there is little or no money to be made.
Can you see Tesco, Sainsbury's et al turning down the chance to grab more customers, and more profit?

I just hope I am being paranoid.

Nurse, the screens!!!

I don't think you are being paranoid, i believe that this is where the Sat Nav future is going, if you think about it, the potential to adapt the Sat Nav to "interest" the driver (or occupants) is enormous.
There could even be for example a Radio Garmin, which not only gives you music and news, but advert's appropiate to the area you are travelling in "popping up".

When we had the add's installed to our posts on this site back in June, i jokeingly made this comment -
What's next?
When we download the database will adverts pop up on the Sat Nav?

"Boing Boing" Time to change your tyres, take the second exit at the next roundabout, drive to Kwickfit 100 yards on the left, Goodyear 25% off for the next two hours. "Boing Boing"

I still don't think this is as daft as it sounds and will possibly be the future.
TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You could both be right, but is this what we, the user, wants?

I find the standard POIs generally so far out - petrol stations in the middle of fields etc that I probably wouldn't use it myself.

There's little point in having a device which tells you where there's a cashpoint if you still have to walk to the other end of the high street to its correct position.

Also, I've seen numerous comments on here of people moaning about false alarms for speed cameras etc - so how will users react if they're alerted to every McDonalds, Burger King, KFC etc...my feeling is that whilst it may sound like a good idea it won't be long before it gets on peoples' nerves
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

GPS_fan wrote:
.........I've seen numerous comments on here of people moaning about false alarms for speed cameras etc - so how will users react if they're alerted to every McDonalds, Burger King, KFC etc...my feeling is that whilst it may sound like a good idea it won't be long before it gets on peoples' nerves

Look how we put up with add's (Spam) on e-mails, what a pain in the ****, but we still put up with them, we have to.
As with e-mails, the Sat Nav will end up with a filter system to remove it, but depending on what is being filtered, as with e-mails, we still need to look through the spam, incase something important has got through by mistake.

If the Sat Nav takes messages or connects to the internet (a very strong prospect) we could be going down the same route as e-mail spam filters - effective but not reliable.

This might get on peoples nerves but would stay and adapt.
TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
Satmap Active 10, Software v1.16
Fuzion 32 HUD Bluetooth GPS receiver

Last edited by GJF on Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ads on gps might be more likely in the US than the UK. Current UK law prevents adverts on motorways as it can interfere with the driver at high speeds. So an ad system that undermines this will be frowned upon by the establishment.

The US has no user rights, so they are stuffed from the off! Razz

HERE LIES PND May it rest in peace.
Navigon 7310/iPhone Navigon&Copilot
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mostdom wrote:
Ads on gps might be more likely in the US than the UK. Current UK law prevents adverts on motorways as it can interfere with the driver at high speeds. So an ad system that undermines this will be frowned upon by the establishment.

The US has no user rights, so they are stuffed from the off! Razz

Does this include ads from a broadcast, no, you can still recieve them by speech as on a radio/TMC/in-built database in the sat nav.
TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
Satmap Active 10, Software v1.16
Fuzion 32 HUD Bluetooth GPS receiver
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There have already been instances of people driving up railway lines at level crossings and other fundamental slip ups with drivers blaming GPS for getting them into these situations.

If a driver is bombarded with other information which isn't necessarily relevant to their route or guidance (ie advertising), then surely this kind of thing would become more common - even amongst more seasoned users of GPS

I'm a little sceptical about how this technology would work.

Anything other than a guidance instruction will surely be a distraction and interfere with the drivers ability to negotiate a route and the less experience a driver has of using GPS, the greater the risk
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

GJF wrote:
Does this include ads from a broadcast, no, you can still recieve them by speech as on a radio/TMC/in-built database in the sat nav.

Audio maybe, visual no, rerouting absolutly not! Ditto what Gpsfan said.

I don't think the satnav companies will want the responsability. However if you recieve a free gps, paid for by the advertisers, with the understanding it will present the odd sponsored advert to you, then I'm sure there will be something in the terms and conditions for them as a get out clause.

Turn on and... "Please be aware you are in control of... ...accasional adverts will be displayed... ...Accept - Decline"

HERE LIES PND May it rest in peace.
Navigon 7310/iPhone Navigon&Copilot
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