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Warning for nuvi Users loading POIs
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:19 pm    Post subject: Warning for nuvi Users loading POIs Reply with quote

The Garmin nuvi seems to have a problem in the software when attempting to load more than 257 categories of custom POIs.

If you load more than 257 categories of POI then this will result in the nuvi locking when loading the map. At this point the nuvi will not go any further.

To recover the nuvi to a workable system again you will need to contact Garmin Technical Support on Free Phone 0808 2380000 and they will send you some software, via email, and some instructions.

These instructions need to be amended slightly in that once you have reset the software you need to disconnect the USB cable and after seting your language etc it will ask if you want to update the firmware - say NO to this and then you can connect to the nuvi through the USB lead again.

Once you can 'see' the nuvi drive you need to go to the Garmin/Poi folder and delete the poi.gpi file from in there.

Once the file is removed you can disconnect the USB and when the nuvi reboots you can update the Firmware.

Last edited by MaFt on Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pocket GPS Staff
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

can i also point out that when the poi's were first officially released that both myself and mikealder tested our nuvi's with all the categories and had no problems.

mike today found the folder on his pc with the original files he downloaded and there were 257 categories... how's that for luck?! that's why neither of us had had any issues with our nuvi's because at the time of release there were not enough to cause the problems. within a week or two there were obviously more categories and that's when issues started...

it hasn't been until garmin provided some software to be able to fully reset the nuvi that we have been able to look further into this as until now no one has been able to recover the unit without sending it off to garmin...

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fantastic news MaFt, my 310D was sent off to Garmin for repair after I installed too many POI's and they lost it. So Halfords let me upgrade to a 660 and pay the difference.
Now I can start and install some POI's and feel more confident that I wont wreck this unit.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I do not load the POI file directly onto my Nuvi, but onto a SD Card.

Download the POI file from your PC to a SD Card, with the folder structure the same as on the Nuvi i.e. Garmin/POI. Copy the POI file into the POI folder. If you do not follow the Nuvi folder structure, the Nuvi will not recognise your POI file.

Insert the SD Card into the Nuvi's card slot. The first time you power up the Nuvi after inserting the SD Card, it will ask you if you wish to copy the POI file to the Nuvi, answer NO. The Nuvi will now read the POI file from the SD Card each time you switch it on.

If you have a problem with the POI file you can simply switch off the Nuvi, remove the SD Card. Power on the Nuvi and it should operate without any problem.

I also copy my MP3 files into a MP3 folder on the SD Card for the same reasons.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


257 is a very strange number!

Are you saying that 257 works and any more doesn't?

I could understand 512 working ( 8 bit byte = 512 'choices'). Perhaps the most significant bit isn't used ( which would give 256 working values). If the 0th value is not to be used then 257th category = 1000000 which could be a special case.

When you have 257 categories can you see the 257th category (1000000) and the first (000000)?
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Pocket GPS Staff
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

with 257 categories you can see ALL of them. with 258 the nuvi won't load.

it's a strange arbitrary number... just like the i3's limit of 85 - why 85?! why not 100? having said that i had 84 on my i3 last night and it wouldn't boot so maybe it's best to stick to 250 for nuvi and 80 for i3 just in case the arbitrary limit decides to change on its own free will...!

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Phew - i'm just filling up the folder, nearly blew it, Embarassed glad i found this in time, :D I think i will stick to Louie7 suggestion and use the SD card. 8)
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks MaFt for that, at least we now know. Why have Garmin said nothing though, I wonder?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:14 pm    Post subject: Re: Warning for nuvi Users loading POIs Reply with quote

MaFt wrote:
The Garmin nuvi seems to have a problem in the software when attempting to load more than 257 categories of custom POIs.

I was feeling jealous that I don't have a Nuvi to wreck, so I set about wrecking my C510 instead Exclamation
I downloaded a few extras poi's from http://www.poidownload.co.uk/ (well I downloaded the whole web-site actually).
The result was a POI.GPI of 58MB, comprising 955,114 POI's in 1886 categories. Obviously it wouldn't actually fit the internal memory of the C510, so I tried it on an SD card.

...and it works!!
...It's not even that slow.

So I wonder what limit you've found with the Nuvi?


To recover the nuvi to a workable system again you will need to contact Garmin and they will send you some software

Do you feel able to share this software? I'm intrigued as to what it does...(or what else I could make it do Wink )
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:19 pm    Post subject: Re: Warning for nuvi Users loading POIs Reply with quote

PhilHornby wrote:
Do you feel able to share this software? I'm intrigued as to what it does...(or what else I could make it do Wink )

Having read back through the other thread, it sounds like it's an earlier version of the firmware, loaded via the "Garmin USB GPS" mode installer (as used on the C3xx series), rather than the file-based Copy2Card mechanism. Does that sound like a fair assessment?
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Pocket GPS Staff
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:17 am    Post subject: Re: Warning for nuvi Users loading POIs Reply with quote

PhilHornby wrote:
PhilHornby wrote:
Do you feel able to share this software? I'm intrigued as to what it does...(or what else I could make it do Wink )

Having read back through the other thread, it sounds like it's an earlier version of the firmware, loaded via the "Garmin USB GPS" mode installer (as used on the C3xx series), rather than the file-based Copy2Card mechanism. Does that sound like a fair assessment?

yes, but when loaded it doesn't appear to recognise the poi.gpi file as no problems are seen until you load the up to date firmware. also, there is no "custom pois" option in "where to".

the software i was sent is specific to the nuvi 360 and the bloke i spoke to at garmin asked it not to be shared in case they changed anything with it etc or if people used the wrong version for a different unit - basically they wanted people to phone them to get the software - it could also be that they wanted to know how many people had the problems cos if it was downloaded from elsewhere they would have no clue as to how many were affected.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:05 am    Post subject: POI Overload - nuvi 360 Reply with quote

Good advice received with thanks. I had to send my Nuvi 360 back to Garmin following an attempt by me to download (with hindsight) too many POI categories, and the machine locked up.
I did this the night before we were going away so I had to go out and buy a new model - the 660. Garmin sent back a brand new 360 with all latest software - so no complaints and my son wasn't complaining either!
I did decide though not to download any more POI's onto the new 660 or 360 as I knew it was something to do with the last action which had caused the problem, although I did not know exactly what.
I'll just stick to the basics from now on.
Thanks again
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The number given does not work.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:36 am    Post subject: Re: Warning for nuvi Users loading POIs Reply with quote

I may be being stupid but when you refer to no more than 257 categories of POIs do you mean gpi files like Banks, Petrol etc or do you mean csv files like Nat West, HSBC, Esso, Shell etc.

Thanks and again, sorry if I'm being thick but its better to be safe than sorry Exclamation
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just to re-iterate a post i just put on the end of another thread, i just got my 360T today and straight out of the box it exhibited the lock-up problem: "Loading Maps..." then hangs. I hadn't even connected it to the PC to start loading any data onto it - indeed i haven't even got an SD card as yet.
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