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Infinit 5000mAh Travel Power Pack


Reviewed By

Darren Griffin Infinit Travel Power Pack
Review Date

24th July 2011

Manufacturer Infinit


£49.99 inc VAT



I'm forever running out of power. Gadgets are ever more power hungry and as they add ever more functionality, we become ever more reliant upon them and use them more and more.


Inevitably, when I am away from the office I will turn to my music player or smartphone for entertainment thus hastening the demise of their batteries and so any solution that seeks to provide extra juice to top up your devices is one I welcome with open arms.


Re-chargeable battery packs are a common solution and there are many different versions available. As always, there is a trade-off. The balance between capacity and portability is an important one. There is little point having a solution that can re-charge all your devices 50 times if it's the size and weight of a car battery and there is no point in having a solution that dies before re-charging even one device.


And so we have here the solution provided by the guys at Infinit whose product portfolio includes the rather good Solar Backpack that we reviewed back in May last year (see here). Infinit's answer is a small 5,000 mAh battery pack, a little wider than a pack of cards and weighing in at a svelte 145g. It's small enough to be pocketable yet has enough oomph to re-charge an iPhone from flat to full more than three times.


The power pack has a soft rubberised coating with a chrome bezel. It's a very simple design, there is a standard USB Type A socket for charging your devices, a 2-pole plug used for charging the device, an ON/OFF button and three LEDs which indicate the remaining capacity of the internal battery.


Infinit Travel Power Pack


Infinit also supply a USB to 2-pole cable and a matching set of 5 charge tip adaptors which allow it to re-charge most common devices including those from from Apple, Blackberry, Motorola and Nokia but, because it uses a standard USB cable, you can use any existing cable that you may have.


Infinit Travel Power Pack


To re-charge the internal battery, use the 2-pole cable to hook it up to any USB outlet. The time it will take depends on what kind of USB outlet you are using, It takes rather slow 8-10 hours if you are using the USB socket on a computer, constrained as it is by the limited power available from those ports. Hook it up to a mains USB plug though (not included) and that drops to a respectable 3 hours. if your phone came with one of these USB mains adapters (and many nowadays do) then that will do perfectly.


It's a very simple device but one which does what it sets out to and does it well. A 5,000 mAh battery is a decent size to have as a back up. As an example, a Nintendo DSi has an 840 mAh battery, so Infinit's power pack could provide more than five full re-charges. At a whopping 6930 mAh, an iPad 2 has one of the largest batteries around yet this little wonder could still provide it with an 80% charge from flat, no mean feat.


At £49.99 it's not the cheapest solution around but Infinit have kindly extended a 30% discount to PocketGPSWorld readers bringing the total down to a very reasonable £35.00. At that price it would be a very useful backup power source for a myriad of purposes.


To take advantage of the offer, clcik here for the WHITE version and here for the BLACK version.


Size 99x71x18mm
Input 5v 1000 mAh
Output 5v 750 mAh
Capacity 5000 mAh



Infinit PocketGPSWorld Member Offer





Manufacturers Web site http://www.infinitsolarbags.com/
Pocket GPS Contributor

Darren Griffin

Forum Comments:


Posted by SpeedCam on Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:21 pm Reply with quote

Now that looks like a nice device, initially I was a little put of by the £49 price tag but at £35 its not bad. Payday on Wednesday so I'll be placing an order ready for the school holiday trips out and about.


Model : HTC HD2, HTC Magic, iPhone 3g, GO 740, XL GO Live

Posted by DeLorean on Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:05 am Reply with quote

I personally think my solution to the problem is far more elegant Very Happy

🔸🔸 Currently using TomTom GO 940 & Locus Map 🔸🔸

Posted by Juniper on Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:45 am Reply with quote

I am quite interested in this and did a quick search for "5000mAH Portable Battery Pack" and found this:
Looks the same but weighs half as much, for £40. Strange...

Posted by Darren on Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:53 am Reply with quote

The weight I quoted was for the device in it's retail packaging with the accessory cables and connectors.

The actual device on its own weighs in at 145g. I'll correct that in the review for the sake of clarity.

Darren Griffin

Posted by Juniper on Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:47 pm Reply with quote

Darren Wrote:
I'll correct that in the review for the sake of clarity.

Thanks Darren

Posted by DERRICK on Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:20 pm Reply with quote

I saw the info on this power pack and decided to buy it for charging my 5v devices mostly my HTC phone. As there was a discount if you buy it through the pocketgpsworld.com site I ordered it yesterday afternoon (Friday 29th July) and it was delivered this morning. Very fast delivery from this company. I do use these power packs quite often and felt my own one was needing replacement after many years.
It is well made and feels very good in the hand and pocket.

Posted by MaFt on Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:58 pm Reply with quote

i'm loving mine already! massive thumbs up, AND it has blue LED's. BLUE LED's!!!


Posted by Gretel on Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:19 pm Reply with quote

HI Darren,

I bought a Veho Pebble charger from Gizoo in August last year for £34.95 (still available I just checked!) it looks just about the same as this one and as far as I can see does just the same job. It's kept both my hubbys and my phones charged plus both our ipods for two whole weeks on holiday without needing to be recharged itself. Great gadget!

Just thought I'd post this to give folks an alternative if the one you are showing sells out.

KInd Regards


Posted by M8TJT on Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:32 pm Reply with quote

Veho Pebble £26.06 Amazon

Posted by DeLorean on Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:05 pm Reply with quote

This appears to be the same device, but only cost £19.99 with free delivery


🔸🔸 Currently using TomTom GO 940 & Locus Map 🔸🔸

Posted by SpeedCam on Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:32 pm Reply with quote

DeLorean Wrote:
This appears to be the same device, but only cost £19.99 with free delivery


Very Happy Thanks.... sometimes things are meant to happen, I attempted to order the Infinit one at the weekend but experienced problems with their website and hadn't managed to retry. By chance I checked this thread and have saved a further £15 or £30 depending on which price you use. Ideal for my weeks camping holiday in France.


Model : HTC HD2, HTC Magic, iPhone 3g, GO 740, XL GO Live

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