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TomTom adds weather data in route calculations

Article by: Darren Griffin
Date: 30 Oct 2014

TomTom announced on Wednesday that they will be adding weather data to the route information provided via Tom-tom Traffic.

Now, not only will you get warnings of traffic jams on your route but also information about traffic issues caused by adverse weather.

TomTom claim they are the first company to use real-time weather data when calculating routes and ETAs.

Source: tomtom.com/traffic

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Posted by IanS100 on Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:04 am Reply with quote

As I understand TT Traffic, information about mobile phone movements (or not) is converted to Traffic info, so I'm not sure that it makes any difference why there's a Traffic Jam, slow moving or stationery traffic is / should be reported regardless of cause.

Galaxy Note 4 / TomTom GO : CamerAlert : CoPilot

Posted by mike37 on Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:29 pm Reply with quote

Weather downloads may be of use in some more extreme conditions.

I would have thought having both a more up to date complete data set of fuel prices available for downloading when not travelling and an up to date partial fuel download relevant to the current route when travelling on a route would be of more benefit.

Tom Tom 540 LIVE
Version 9.510.1234792.1 OS:842337
(2039, 04/04/2013)
GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5120
United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland

Posted by navtrav on Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:16 am Reply with quote

mike37 Wrote:
Weather downloads may be of use in some more extreme conditions.

Yes, that'd certainly be in hurricane-hit America.

mike37 Wrote:
I would have thought having both a more up to date complete data set of fuel prices....

I'd prefer more map data, such as distinction between B roads and C roads and farm tracks. (This would help the absurd turn here instruction on a B road bend where a farm lane happened to be straight on).

And I'd certainly much prefer up-to-date notification on road closures. Round the Thames area, last year's floods caused roads to be shut that TT totally ignored.


Samsung Galaxy S4, Galaxy Tablet S, TomTom. Osmand+ and Sygic. Ex-TomTom Go 1000 Live, ex-TomTom Go 700, ex-TomTom truck, ex Navman/Ipaq

Posted by DennisN on Sat Nov 01, 2014 8:05 am Reply with quote

navtrav Wrote:
I'd prefer more map data, such as distinction between B roads and C roads and farm tracks. (This would help the absurd turn here instruction on a B road bend where a farm lane happened to be straight on).

And I'd certainly much prefer up-to-date notification on road closures. Round the Thames area, last year's floods caused roads to be shut that TT totally ignored.

Yes, but that sort of bread and butter vital stuff ("Keep right and don't go into the layby") is not going to be attractive to the marketing department, is it? With weather, they can make quite a song and dance about "more". It's pure hype, but sounds good.


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by JimmyTheHand on Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:07 pm Reply with quote

DennisN Wrote:
It's pure hype, but sounds good.

I can see a couple of circumstances where weather info could be uselful in planning routes
  • if heavy frost/snow predicted then keep to gritted routes
  • when roads are liable to close because of snow/flooding then avoid them if such weather predicted

But I suspect it will be more if snow predicted it adds x minutes delay on this road type info and that is probably already showing in traffic data.


Posted by M8TJT on Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:14 am Reply with quote

Are TT going to predict the weather then or display the actual? As weather is a fairly slow moving thing, I suspect that you would probably better off by looking at the weather forecast on TV the night before.

Posted by JimmyTheHand on Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:42 pm Reply with quote

M8TJT Wrote:
Are TT going to predict the weather then or display the actual? As weather is a fairly slow moving thing, I suspect that you would probably better off by looking at the weather forecast on TV the night before.

Judging how often the predictions change on the Met Office website since they updated it with hourly slots you're probably better off just rolling some dice


Posted by M8TJT on Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:56 pm Reply with quote

Both methods would probably be more accurate than TT Very Happy

Posted by DennisN on Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:15 pm Reply with quote

But neither of them will get TT any publicity, whereas shouting about doing weather on their TomToms will certainly fool a lot of the people a lot of the time!

You heard it here first - we shall shortly be seeing posts asking how you can buy the weather service for your TomTom, or if the weather service is available on the xx model. They do it with cameras, why not with weather?


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by aj2052 on Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:17 pm Reply with quote

I take it will be updated daily shortly after 6.30 pm after the evening news weather forecast.

Moto G5s Plus, Sygic 17.4.8

Posted by DennisN on Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:43 pm Reply with quote


It is included with the traffic service which is updated every two minutes. A marketing executive's blue heaven!!

"TT Traffic is updated EVERY TWO MINUTES and now includes weather".

Gimme, gimme, gimme. I wish I could do this with whitevanning!

Oh, I forgot to add that they may need to reduce the horizon further, in order to accommodate the extra data download. Twisted Evil


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

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