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Speed Cameras Take New Direction in East Lancashire

Article by: rob brady
Date: 12 Jun 2012

With less than 10% of their fixed position speed cameras active at any time, East Lancashire have taken decisive measures to alter the way in which they monitor the speed of their motorists.

Taking a new direction, Lancashire County Council has decided to implement a number of mobile cameras as part of their Roadwatch scheme.

Approximately 60 new mobile speed camera sites will be introduced in this move, complementing the 287 static cameras already in position across the area.

Of these 287 fixed position cameras, a maximum of just 32 are active at any one time, with active sites alternating depending on cost and the level of speeding in the area.

Despite the lack of use some cameras get, all fixed camera units will remain in place to act as a visual deterrent to speeding motorists. This mimics recent news which revealed that half of all speed cameras are inactive in the UK.

Alongside the introduction of mobile speed cameras, Lancashire's Roadwatch scheme will also classify the speeding risk of local roads using a traffic-light coloured system. This will be based on the number of incidents caused as a result of speeding, with the most dangerous roads categorised as red.

This information will be used to ensure the mobile cameras are introduced where they are needed most; prioritising roads based on their accident figures.

The proposal follows a trial of a similar system which was implemented in the northern Lancashire territories, including areas such as Wyre and Lancaster.


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Posted by Wazza_G on Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:56 pm Reply with quote

LCC must be running short on cash again. Rolling Eyes

Be alert.. This country needs more lerts.

Posted by DennisN on Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:35 pm Reply with quote

Let everyone take note that I was only doing 42 at the time. Very Happy


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by Wazza_G on Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:38 pm Reply with quote

You forgot the 1 in front of the 42! Laughing

Be alert.. This country needs more lerts.

Posted by Jaz666 on Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:47 pm Reply with quote

I have noticed the Pendle Mobile Van has been out and about a lot more in recent weeks.
Seen again in Colne last night just before 8pm, the latest I've seen it operate.

Posted by MalB on Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:28 pm Reply with quote

I have noticed more activity recently, combined with alteration of speed limits on some roads.

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