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Road Targetted In 4 Week Campaign

Article by: rob brady
Date: 20 Aug 2016

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Extra police patrols will target speeding drivers on the A82 in Argyll and Bute as part of a four week safety initiative. This follows an increase in fatal and serious road crashes.

The initiative follows a petition which called for speed cameras and extra police patrols on the road. It was signed by nearly 1000 people.

Along with speed detecting equipment and officers patrolling in unmarked vehicles, there will also be young driver events, biker first aid training and a car seat safety initiative.

A police spokesman commented: "As part of our response we will be engaging in a number of education, encouragement, engineering and enforcement activities in an effort to influence driver behaviour and keep our roads safe."

He added: "However, there is also a responsibility on road users to ensure their own safety by not engaging in dangerous driving activity such as speeding, mobile phone usage or overtaking without safe clearance."


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Posted by Graculus on Wed Aug 24, 2016 8:39 am Reply with quote

How long before they introduce average speed cameras along the stretch of the A82 as it skirts Lock Lomond (at least as far as Tarbert, it gets a bit too windy for speeding after that), as they have already on the A9? The A82 across Rannoch Moor is also "fun" for driving "swiftly" (except when stuck behind a police land rover the whole way across).

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