Review of the TomTom GO 60 SatNav
Article by: Mike Barrett Date: 12 Feb 2015
 TomTom have a new range of connected SatNavs that are reverting to the original concept of using your phone data to provide a connection to the TomTom servers to get up to date information.
The new GO x0 devices are differentiated by size. The GO 40 has a 4.3" screen, the GO 50 has a 5" screen and the GO 60 has, you guessed it, a 6" screen. All of the models come with lifetime TomTom Traffic information and also lifetime Map updates.
As I am advancing in years I decided to opt for the TomTom GO 60 with the large 6" screen. The idea was that the larger the screen the better I would be able to read what is on it.
Click here to read our TomTom GO60 satnav review and see what we think about it...
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Posted by larry17 on Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:54 pm |
I would have replaced my XL long ago if the new TomToms would allow 3rd party POIs. They have been stringing this line about maybe in the future for at least a couple of years. Maybe time to switch brands!
Posted by Ranger1700 on Fri Feb 13, 2015 10:50 am |
larry17 Wrote: | I would have replaced my XL long ago if the new TomToms would allow 3rd party POIs. They have been stringing this line about maybe in the future for at least a couple of years. Maybe time to switch brands! |
Totally agree, 3rd party POI and itinerary planning essential for me. Until then I will keep my Go, or change brands.
TT 750 Live
(Europe_2GB Western & Central Europe, Turkey and Russia) on 4GB micro sd card |
Posted by matthewj on Fri Feb 13, 2015 12:09 pm |
On the third party power adapter, it may just be that it needs more than the old USB adapters give out. I was using my iPhone as satnav with a little adapter, but when I changed to the 6+ I found it wasn't giving enough power, but a 2A charger worked fine. Given the tech has upgraded, the TT 60 probably needs more too.
Posted by iantj on Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:05 am |
Shame that the User Interface doesnt appear to have been updated.
I have an iPhone Tom Tom App while the wife has a more recent Go.
For me the iPhone app just has a more touch friendly UI. Having to hit the bottom left to start a new route on Go seems ludicrous when chances of hitting the screen randomly in a car are so low.
Posted by Snudge on Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:09 am |
Really great review and it all looks great - I would like to replace my old One XL but if I can't use TYRE to plan routes then I'm not buying it. I'm disappointed with this release.
Posted by DGW on Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:13 am |
The need for a mobile plan which allows tethering - which my current Three one does for free but which I lose if I change plans - is a major and potentially expensive limitation.
Posted by willton on Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:16 am |
Unbelievable that they are still stringing along this aging promise that they will support 3rd party pois.
Perfect example of corporate contempt for their user base.
I will never ever buy a TomTom product.
Posted by quarryjmiller on Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:05 am |
Very interesting comments re the TT60 I used one last year to travel to an event at CCIB Barcelona, this is a very large convention centre, it has been there for a good many years and I can say without doubt that TT on an Ipad will get you there but in November TT60 managed to tie me up in knots as I explored what must be an alternative route, I eventually pulled over and used TT on the Ipad to get me there, this is troubling as I now have my doubts about every other route it plans, I ran it alongside the Ipad and it continually told me to turn around when possible and never ever really got to grips with where it was going - yes, I double checked, the address details were identical.
I am delivering to Fira Barcelona next week with several deliveries to the MWC event - it will be interesting to see if the 60 can get me there.
The traffic routing is great, the POIs are poor and the lack of third party support is lamentable, in the early days I thought that TT was a great company who strived to give you their best, we operate four vans, all of the drivers use TT on Iphones (too small a screen for me) because we suffered years of dreadful hardware failures (we are not hard on our kit) and at least the Apple kit is reliable.
Touch sensitivity of the 60 screen is poor, voice commands a waste of time - they don't work, I like the low profile windscreen mount - it stops me reaching the screen when I am driving which is probably a good thing, the 60 will get used in the UK where the traffic feature is brilliant and for long European runs but when I get close and have to navigate in cities outside the UK back to the Ipad even if it does cover half the radio.
I wonder if TT ever ask their users or consult forums like this or are they making so much money from casual users that they can stick their two fingers up to heavier users.
Posted by timsim on Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:55 pm |
Can the device use Lat and Long including 1/100 of a second?
Posted by 3053 on Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:50 pm |
larry17 Wrote: | I would have replaced my XL long ago if the new TomToms would allow 3rd party POIs. They have been stringing this line about maybe in the future for at least a couple of years. Maybe time to switch brands! |
Me too !. I have looked at the 6000 now for a good 12 months but while TomTom fail to produce a sat nav that is at least the equivalent of my current 720 in accepting 3rd party POI's then I wont buy. And yes they have definitely been stringing customers along with promises they are not keeping. Just look at the dissatisfied chatter on their forum.
My 720 does everything I want except traffic info but I have never had it so I can live without it. I’ve been a loyal TomTom customer for 12 or 15 years but if a rival pnd comes out that ticks my boxes I shall switch immediately.
Seems to me that something has happened with TomTom RnD staff. Key staff must have left the company for the popularity of the new breed of navigators to be such a dismal failure and unpopular with customers to a degree that I cant say I have ever seen before in what was a quality product.
Posted by M8TJT on Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:49 pm |
timsim Wrote: | Can the device use Lat and Long including 1/100 of a second? | 100th of a second ? That's about 1 foot. Your GPS will not be that accurate.
1 min of arc = 1nm=about 6000 ft.
so 1 sec of arc = 6000/60 and 100th sec = about 1 foot.
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