Over 200000 Speeders Caught By Variable Speed Cameras
Article by: rob brady Date: 19 May 2017
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According to the research by Confused.com, 210,538 drivers have been caught speeding on smart motorways in the UK. This is since they were first installed in 2013 and equates to a possible £526 million in fines.
Variable speed cameras are used on smart motorways to monitor temporary speed limits on some of Britain's busiest motorways. The aim is to reduce accidents and prevent traffic congestion.
The variable speed camera stretches with the most penalty notices since installation
M4 J19-20. Installation date: July/Aug 2014. Penalty notices: 40,320 M5 J16-17. Installation date: June 2014. Penalty notices: 27,398 M1 J10-11. Installation date: Sep/Nov 2013. Penalty notices: 21,751 M25 J9-16. Installation date: 2014. Penalty notices: 19,194 M25 J27. Installation date: Jan 2013. Penalty notices: 18,888
The survey also revealed the following statistics on level of specific speed camera dislike amongst drivers:
Mobile police cameras 38% Average speed cameras 12% Variable speed cameras 7%
27% of drivers did not know what variable speed cameras are.
Tips for driving on a smart motorway:
• Never drive in a lane closed by a red 'X' • Keep to the speed limit show on the gantries • A solid white line indicates the hard shoulder - don't drive in it unless directed • A broken white line indicates a normal running lane • If your vehicle experiences difficulties (e.g. warning light), exit the smart motorway immediately if possible • Use the refuge areas for emergencies if there is no hard shoulder • Put your hazard lights on if you break down
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Posted by Kremmen on Fri May 19, 2017 1:00 pm |
Just shows how many ignore posted speed limits.
Viofo A119 V3 |
Posted by Flashyphotos on Sat May 20, 2017 7:44 am |
Darwinism at work, if 27% are too stupid to understand how Average Speed cameras work they deserve the points and the Govt deserves the cash.
Sick to death of seeing them tramp down the outside lane in traffic only to stamp on the brakes everytime they reach a yellow pole.
Causes so much bounceback from the braking. Better off the road I think.
30 Years in the business and still learning |
Posted by M8TJT on Sat May 20, 2017 9:32 am |
I fail to see the connection to Darwin and you miss-read the data as the 27% refers to variable speed cameras. It actually surprises me that the % for them is as low as 27%.
Posted by RobBrady on Sat May 20, 2017 10:22 am |
"27% of drivers did not know what variable speed cameras are." does not mean that 27% of drivers would not understand how they work.
I would imagine only a tiny percentage of people wouldn't have the mental ability to understand smart motorways if they had previously read about or had them explained to them.
I assume that the 27% simply hadn't previously read about or had them explained to them.
Robert Brady |
Posted by RobBrady on Sat May 20, 2017 11:00 am |
Those that "ignore" point-to-point cameras are still only a small proportion of those that abide by them.
Many are either ignorant of how these cameras work (including foreign drivers), lose concentration (they're simply daydreaming) or blatantly ignore the speed limit (they are a diplomat, or have stolen the vehicle, or believe they won't be prosecuted as they are visiting from another country).
It's also likely that many believe that the cameras are not actually operational.
Robert Brady |
Posted by marksfish on Mon May 22, 2017 4:45 pm |
40mph limit on M25 today, van went through a Hadecs3 making us look like we were going backwards, camera didn't flash....
Garmin Drivesmart 51 LMT-D Europe |
Posted by M8TJT on Mon May 22, 2017 7:01 pm |
Lucky him.
Posted by Kremmen on Tue May 23, 2017 5:04 am |
Not sure if they all flash during the day. Monitron do but hadecs?
Viofo A119 V3 |