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Only Half Of UK Cameras Are Switched On

Article by: rob brady
Date: 5 Nov 2017

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It has been revealed that just under half of the UK's fixed speed cameras are operative.

A freedom of information request by The Press Association has disclosed that four police forces do not operate any fixed cameras at all while thirteen others have less than half of theirs activated.

The reason behind the decline in usage is police forces trying to cut their costs - all money from fines go the Treasury.

Out of the 45 forces asked for data, 9 refused or failed to respond. From those who responded, it was found that only 1,486 out of 2,838 cameras were active. The areas with no fixed cameras at all are Cleveland, Durham, North Yorkshire and Northamptonshire.

Derbyshire only operate 10 from their 112 fixed cameras, while Staffordshire deploy just 14 of their 272.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council commented: "All forces have individual responsibility for their use of speed cameras. Many of the empty yellow cases are due to cuts in road safety grants and the fact that digital cameras, although more effective, are very expensive."

They added: "It's also reflective of the fact that proceeds from cameras are no longer allowed to be ring-fenced to be reinvested into yet more cameras as now all the money goes to the Treasury."

Brake, the road safety charity said: "A staggering 1,800 people lost their lives on British roads last year and speeding is a factor in thousands of crashes. Speed cameras are a proven, cost-effective way of reducing deadly collisions and so it’s critical they are operational. We are concerned to see figures which suggest so many are switched off and would urge they are urgently put back into action."


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Posted by sailorman on Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:04 am Reply with quote

I always thought that not all cameras were live BUT the whole idea is that you should not take the gamble that it does not contain a camera.

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