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No Release This Week 5th November 2014

Article by: maft
Date: 4 Nov 2014

Owing to personal circumstances there will NOT be a database release this week (5th November 2014).

As always, those who use our CamerAlert app (for Android or iOS) can update at any time and get the most current data. This only affects the standalone devices (TomTom, Garmin etc).

We apologise for this interruption to your service!

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Posted by mcwarre on Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:59 pm Reply with quote

Whilst I appreciate that things happen (and hope whatever it is is ok) I am paying for a service now - is this acceptable? Discuss.

Posted by DennisN on Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:10 am Reply with quote

mcwarre Wrote:
Whilst I appreciate that things happen (and hope whatever it is is ok) I am paying for a service now - is this acceptable? Discuss.

What happens to your job when you go on holiday? And does your employer pay when you go on holiday?

In most industries, when somebody goes on holiday he doesn't do his job and he still gets paid.

If that doesn't shut you up, I can offer more wise words - try me!


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by DennisN on Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:16 am Reply with quote

Oh and in the above where I've written holiday insert also sick, personal somethings etc.


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by Kremmen on Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:46 am Reply with quote

I read the 'personal circumstances' as an unforseen thing.

I've been here for many years and this is the first I can remember and no big deal as we are probably still more up to date than the likes of TT and Garmin.

Whatever the circumstances are I hope it all ends up OK Smile

Viofo A119 V3

Posted by M8TJT on Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:55 am Reply with quote

Whilst I am not supporting the OP's comments, I actually don't see your point Dennis. It's not the fact that MaFt may or may not be being paid during his absence, its the fact that the OP thinks he has paid for access to the database and doesn't have an updated version this week. What he doesn't seem to appreciate is that he isn't paying for a weekly update service to the PGPSW database. His subscription is for membership of the PGPSW community (which costs about £20/year). Access to the database is free to members. So to adversely comment on a free service seems to be a bit churlish to me.
Of course. the OP may be trolling. In which case he caught both of us. Surprised

Posted by DennisN on Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:28 am Reply with quote

My point is very simple. Everybody is entitled to time off in this day and age and I assume that applies to the OP (it doesn't apply to me, of course, because I'm self employed). He should acknowledge that and wind his head back in. Maft does a helluva job, often at weekends and even putting in the odd bit of time when he's actually away on holiday. You can update your iOS or Android database every day of the week and I'll bet you'll find it different, meaning he has worked on it every day.

As for trolling, the OP has hardly posted for a couple of years, only to come up with a contentious issue. Draw your own conclusions.


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by M8TJT on Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:41 am Reply with quote

But as an example, when a newspaper editor has time off. The paper is still published. I suspect that the PGPSW database would be the same if they had a deputy editor with the necessary skills.

Posted by molerat on Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:32 pm Reply with quote

Maybe this announcement should have been somewhere more prominent, it took me a fair while to find it.

Garmin Drive 51LMT-S EU
(TT One V3 512MB + RDS TMC UK&RoI v1005 now retired, dead due to withdrawal of manufacturer support)

Posted by sussamb on Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:38 pm Reply with quote

As posted elsewhere, simply click on Forums, New Posts and you won't ever miss a thing Very Happy

Where there's a will ... there's a way.

Posted by DennisN on Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:29 pm Reply with quote

sussamb Wrote:
As posted elsewhere, simply click on Forums, New Posts and you won't ever miss a thing Very Happy

BUT remember that's New Posts since last visit, so read and absorb every one of them before you leave the site, because they won't show as New Posts again next time you visit.


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by bmuskett on Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:44 pm Reply with quote

molerat Wrote:
Maybe this announcement should have been somewhere more prominent, it took me a fair while to find it.

It was posted on the home page of the site as well.

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