New Average Speed Cameras Coming To Lincolnshire
Article by: rob brady Date: 25 Jun 2015
 Lincolnshire is due to activate a new set of average speed cameras within the next eight weeks.
The point to point cameras will be installed on the A15 between Lincoln and Sleaford which is one of Lincolnshire's busiest roads.
Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, an organisation formed to reduce the number of people killed and injured on the county's roads, has cited the success of the average speed cameras on a similar stretch of road, the A52 near Grantham.
There were no fatal accidents and only two recorded serious incidents on that monitored section of the A52 since cameras were activated there nearly five years ago.
A spokesman for the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership commented: "The average speed cameras on the A15 are to replace the two static cameras that are already in place. Despite having those cameras, and carrying out a number of other safety schemes on the junctions in the area in the last few years, collisions are still occurring."
He added: "Our evidence shows that a large number of collisions in this area are speed related. However, some could have been avoided if vehicles were at normal road speed (national speed limit) or below. This move is to encourage motorists to drive at a consistent speed, not to reduce the speed limit itself. Average speed cameras are popular with motorists and persuade them to be more speed-compliant – fewer speed tickets are issued compared with a fixed camera which is a positive for everyone."
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Posted by smarty5927 on Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:27 am |
Quote: | Average speed cameras are popular with motorists .......... |
Really ?
Posted by smarty5927 on Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:58 pm |
As you say 'Popular' is probably not really the correct term, but it IS the one they have used.
The problem, in my view, is that by using such terms they are sub-consciously instilling the thought that the vast majority of motorists are happy with the use of speed cameras and, therefore, would be happy to see more of them.
The phrase 'Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics' comes to mind
Posted by M8TJT on Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:39 am |
In the IAM report, there are some interesting comparisons. Quote: | Most of these (42 per cent) thought that they had helped a little | My interpretation of 'most' would be an absolute minimum of 50% with 80% as a likely figure. Quote: | Only a small proportion of people believe that money is not the motive for speed cameras | Meaning that a large proportion do believe the motive is money as suggested later Quote: | These figures suggest that a greater proportion of people think that money may be a motive for installing speed cameras |
Posted by Kremmen on Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:06 am |
Normal Gatso's locations are known or spotted easily in their yellow livery and drivers slow down so money is tight.
Average speed cameras are different, not so obvious up on high gantries, possibly confused with ANPR cameras so ker ching, gotcha.
Viofo A119 V3 |