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This project caught my eye during the week. Combine a smartphone, a homebrew cardboard projector solution and an app, "Streetlight" (Google Play) and you have a device that can project your speed, street name, map and other information onto the roadway ahead of you.
There have been similar solutions using expensive pico projectors but this is the first I've seen that uses your smartphone as the basis of a homemade projector. You won't get the levels of illumination you would expect from a dedicated projector but given this was cobbled together from some cardboard and lenses it gave a respectable result.
The author now includes links to commercial cardboard projectors available from eBay and Amazon for under £15.00 making this even easier to assemble. The app code is available on github should you wish to modify it too!
A cardboard projector may be a bit of a problem with our inclement weather
Galaxy Note 4 / TomTom GO : CamerAlert : CoPilot
Posted by mistersaxon on Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:08 am
Have a look at Cordex - the plastic corrugated board used by estate agents to make their signs. Also good for guinea pig hutches because of that waterproofness.
Note: if you are getting Cordex for a hutch do NOT get the vermin-proof board as it contains poison. For that reason best not to scavenge Cordex from skips to make a hutch...
Kit: TomTom iPhone WEurope on iPhone6s+ / iPad Pro
w/ Interphone BT headset on a Honda Blackbird (should change this really - the bike, not the headset)
Posted by IanS100 on Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:29 pm
mistersaxon Wrote:
Have a look at Cordex - the plastic corrugated board used by estate agents to make their signs. Also good for guinea pig hutches because of that waterproofness.
Note: if you are getting Cordex for a hutch do NOT get the vermin-proof board as it contains poison. For that reason best not to scavenge Cordex from skips to make a hutch...
Thank you, I'll remember your wise words if I ever need a projector or a guinea pig hutch
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