Lollipop Safety Cameras
Article by: rob brady Date: 18 Sep 2016
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Lollipop wardens in Ireland have found a new angle on safety cameras. They are trialling cameras which are fitted to the tops of their lollipop warning poles.
The initiative follows motorists ignoring requests to stop, and also a number of assaults on crossing patrol staff in Westport, Co Mayo.
A county council official commented: "The amount of abuse the wardens get is unreal. It is mainly verbal abuse. Cars will not stop for them. On other occasions, when the kids get to the other side of the road, they do not even give the wardens time to get back to their station. It is down to impatient drivers. They cannot wait two minutes for them to get the children across."
Warning signs have been erected that announce cameras in the area and the official now reports "a noticeable change".
The video footage will be used for prosecutions.
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Posted by K13ehr on Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:33 am |
Now why would anyone want to abuse someone who charges into the road waving a pole about, for an adult, not a child, it happens around here all the time, and it's not (AFAIK) part of their job, which is to stop traffic for children crossing, like wot it ses on the lollipop.
Posted by icsys on Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:41 am |
That's what I thought too....
They jump out in front of you waving their 'lollipop' causing you to brake with no children in sight.
However, the Job Description states:
As part of your duties you could be expected to:
- assess when it is safe to stop traffic
- help children and adults to cross the road safely
Now it does say children and adults, not children OR adults.
The word 'Children' was removed in the early 90s
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Posted by nbowles on Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:31 am |
The job description is very simple ... help people cross the road safely.
Yet the many I encounter see a person in the distance and jump out to stop traffic long before they are ready to cross, then staying in the road due to another person approaching.
Its all about consideration, get a group of people ready, then stop traffic for a maximum of the time needed to walk across the road, the next group should wait, not expect to barge across the road at a leisurely pace.
With this consideration, motorists would behave in a polite manor mirroring what they experience. Instead, crossing attendants delay traffic for long periods of time waiting for people to get to them. As they are always near a school, frustrating drivers in this way is a very dangerous thing to do for all pedestrians in the area.
HighWay Code -
D If traffic is coming, let it pass. Look all around again and listen. Do not cross until there is a safe gap in the traffic and you are certain that there is plenty of time. Remember, even if traffic is a long way off, it may be approaching very quickly.[/i]
Posted by DennisN on Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:39 pm |
I can't believe this intolerance. With traffic these days, pedestrians have difficulty crossing many roads. The lollipop was changed to ALL pedestrians many years ago and drivers MUST obey it. And how about common courtesy? As for waiting, how difficult is it in today's cars to make up a few seconds compared to the acceleration of a pedestrian? Come on, lollipop people are doing a job and they are owed a duty of care by their employers, so if they are being assaulted in ANY way, the offenders should suffer the weight of the law.
If it tastes good - it's fattening.
Two of them are obesiting!! |
Posted by sussamb on Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:51 pm |
Couldn't agree more Dennis
Where there's a will ... there's a way. |