JVC Kenwood unveils HUD equipped satnav
Article by: Darren Griffin Date: 16 May 2013
 JVC Kenwood Corp have taken the wraps off a navigation system that incorporates a heads-up display (HUD).
Set to go on sale in Japan later this month, the system uses a curved optical screen and projector which clips to the rear-view mirror and also includes more traditional LCD display.
The HUD display is configured to show turn information and junction details but it's questionable if the location of the screen, next to the rear view mirror is the best place for this. The main safety benefits of a heads-up display are keeping the drivers eyes on, or close to, the road.
In factory fit HUD systems, the display is normally above the instrument panel, projecting the image so that it appears suspended above the bonnet.
Source: tech on.nikkeibp.co.jp
Posted by Pocketgps on Fri May 17, 2013 12:05 pm |
Sounds very dangerous to me, more distractions.
Sorry officer, I look up at my gps hud display - then noticed in my rear view mirror that the car behind was very close, only took 2 seconds, car in front of me should not have stopped that quickly etc.
Even fighter pilots get years of training to be able to look straight through those displays, and I’m sure that they make mistakes.