Britain Names and Shames Worst Roads
Article by: rob brady Date: 19 Jul 2012
 In a new attempt to reduce the number of collisions and casualties on British roads, those areas with the worst levels of road safety have been publicly announced by MPs.
This comes after recent news that the number of fatalities occurring on our roads had increased for the first time in almost a decade; with almost 2,000 people losing their lives as a result of road accidents since 2003.
According to the figures, councils which performed worst included Doncaster which experienced no reduction and Bournemouth who experienced just 3% reduction in the number of serious casualties or fatalities on their respective roads (comparing 1994-98 average with 2006-2010 average).
Compared to Halton in Cheshire, which experienced a 70% reduction, this change highlights the way in which road safety is far from universal within the UK. In fact, many have suggested that the figures indicate there is something of a 'postcode lottery' in place on British roads.
The report issued by concerned MPs hopes to prompt councils into action, encouraging them to take the necessary measures to improve the safety of their jurisdiction, whilst AA president Edmund King said "We believe that more emphasis in road safety needs to be put on enforcement and that a reduction in cops in cars will do nothing to deter the drunk, drugged, distracted, dangerous drivers."
It would be interesting to know how the widely reported reduction in the use of speed cameras impact these figures in the future.
Posted by MickeyM on Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:24 pm |
Is it really about safety. Here in Norfolk, the County Council safety committe has given the all clear to put up advertising signs on roundabouts for cash. So when in Norfolk please read the signs as you drive round the roundabouts, never mind the other cars because they will be trying to read them also, would that make Norfolk County Council complisit if you had a accident on a roundabout whilst reading the 4 signs as you go round, ie; Driving without due care and attention. Shame on them, what is road safety worth.
Posted by jonbaker12345 on Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:33 pm |
MickeyM Wrote: |
...advertising signs on roundabouts for cash... |
Hull City Council have signs on roundabouts helpfully informing you as to which business has 'sponsored' that particular roundabout. All in the name of road safety, I'm sure.