100s Caught Speeding On Sheppey Crossing
Article by: rob brady Date: 17 Sep 2017
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Over 300 speeding drivers have been ticketed on the causeway to and from the Isle of Sheppey.
The £350,000 average-speed camera scheme, switched on in May this year, has caught 334 motorists up to July 13th.
The Local Parish Council chairman commented: "I am not surprised at the figures, judging from the speed some of the traffic goes over the crossing. At the moment, I do not think people are fully aware the cameras are working. Not until the letter drops on their doormat."
He added: "Hopefully, the publicity that others have been prosecuted will focus their mind to moderating their speed."
Approximately 30,000 vehicles use the Sheppey Crossing per day. With this figure in mind, the Kent and Medway Safety Camera Partnership took a positive view, saying: "These low offence numbers should be viewed in the context of the very high number of vehicles flowing over the crossing every day, and are typical of the sort of very high compliance rates experienced in other average-speed systems.”
They added: "Those caught will either do speed awareness courses, have points added to their licence or receive a fine."
Posted by Philip on Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:05 pm |
Interesting how a scary headline ("Hundreds caught...") can actually mean a tiny, tiny proportion!
Let's assume that the cameras were switched on in the middle of May (as there's no date given), so there were about 60 days from switch-on until July 13th which is the end date mentioned.
There are 30,000 journeys made daily, so that's 30,000 X 60 = 1,800,000 journies over the period.
334 motorists were detected as travelling in excess of the posted speed limit, so that's 334 / 1,800,000 = 0.0001855 which is 0.0185%.
But "Less that 0.02 percent of motorists caught speeding" is a much less enticing headline that "Hundreds of motorists caught speeding". Sigh.
(Oh, and at £350,000 for the cameras, that currently equates to £1,047.90 for each motorist caught. What could the NHS have done with an extra £350k?!)
Philip |