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SatNav Used to Find Abandoned Child

Article by: rob brady
Date: 7 Mar 2013

Kent police have told how they had to resort to using a drunk woman's satnav to find her child who had been left at home alone.

Police were alerted about the woman when she started trying to kick a pub door down to retrieve a bottle of wine she thought she left there before the bar closed.

Apparently the 41 year old woman, Ruth Evans, got so drunk that she forgot where she left the child. She told the police officers her predicament and they simply retraced her earlier journey on her satnav back from the pub.

The child was found in the house asleep and unharmed.

A judge told Evans she should be "thoroughly ashamed" and handed her 150 hours of unpaid community service for child cruelty, assaulting a police officer and being in charge of a car while unfit through drink.


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Posted by IanS100 on Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:29 pm Reply with quote

I'm very pleased that the Police were able to find the child but I'm intrigued about how long do Sat Navs retain route info? I know they often retain destination info but do they remeber where they've been? I always undestood this was deleted when switched off?

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Posted by spook51 on Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:26 pm Reply with quote

That intrigued me too as it states they 'retraced' her route. I would have simply asked it to navigate to 'home'.

Posted by MaFt on Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:56 pm Reply with quote

Perhaps it is simply the writing style they used? In theory if she only went to the pub from home then by navigating 'home' they will have retraced her route.

I can't see them having the knowledge to pull up previous route history etc on various devices, indeed not even all PNDs (assuming it WAS a PND) have the route logging feature.

Personally, I think it was the way it was written to make it look like the police actually did some investigative work instead of just hitting 'home' Smile It wouldn't be as interesting to read it say "The police tapped on 'go home' to get back to the ladies house" would it?


Posted by GerryC on Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:32 pm Reply with quote

The Metro Wrote:
... couldn’t remember the address.
‘They asked her repeatedly but just received drunken mutterings in response,’ Mr Harvey said.

Sounds like she was too drunk to tell them where she lives. If the planned route to the pub was still active they could get the "From" location. If the route was still shown they could "re-trace" it. Either that or they found 'home'.

The Metro Wrote:
They found the house and ‘with the help of others’ got into the property

... then found a neighbour to identify the exact house - possibly with a spare key.


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