PocketGPSWorld.com Means Business!
PocketGPSWorld.com attracts over 1 million visits every month. We are proud to be trusted by GPS industry professionals worldwide. We provide unbiased and comprehensive help, news and reviews.
With more than a quarter of a million registered users, we host one of the busiest forums on the Internet!
Firmly positioned within the top 0.001% for monthly unique visitors out of over 200 million web-sites, PocketGPSWorld.com is proud to be one of the most visited sites (of any category) worldwide.
DANGER! Is Your Company's UK Speed Camera Database Accurate?
Don't damage your brand...
PocketGPSWorld.com produce the community driven and massively popular UK Speed Camera Warning Database, the first comprehensive database of its kind. It is widely regarded as the most used, most trusted and best available in the UK... and we have recently launched our International Speed Camera Database!
We are regularly told that other Speed Camera Databases cannot compete for location volume and accuracy.
We receive several thousand notifications of new, deleted and altered cameras each month from our fast growing 280,000 member community and, of course, our own team at PocketGPSWorld.com.
We take not one of these submissions on trust - all locations are visited and physically checked by our dedicated team of verifiers or more than one submitting member (often several) for each camera position.
There are currently over 13,000 cameras in the database, including static, mobile, average and traffic light cameras.
Increase sales...
A "Free Safety Camera Warnings" splash or sticker on your boxes or website will have a marked impact on your sales volume.
Many companies are already prominently promoting our database online, in print and on the shelves as a major benefit for their products and are therefore increasing sales.
Contact marketing @ PocketGPSWorld.com now for more information.
Safety Camera Warning Fleet License Discounts
Bulk Safety Camera Warning Licenses are available for UK Company Fleet Drivers / Company Employees. Take advantage of the huge discounts that are currently available!
Many safety conscious companies are already taking a proactive stance by encouraging their staff to continually regulate their speed. PocketGPSWorld.com's Safety Camera Database is already boosting the safety levels of 10 of thousands of employees.
Visit Fleet Discount Safety Cameras for more information.
Advertise Directly on PocketGPSWorld.com
We serve direct text advertising on all the public pages.
Your ads will be seen in the right hand panel, titled Ads by Pocket GPS, on all content based pages of PocketGPSWorld.com including the homepage, news, reviews and forum pages.
We have 3 types of audience:
Pre-sales users:
Pre-sales users are able to research the GPS market and compare functions and features of the products. It also enables them to seek pre-purchase advice from our huge GPS end-user community.
Post-sales users:
Post sales users are able to use us as a resource for information about all of their GPS technology. It allows them to keep abreast of any updates and modifications. It also enables them to share information and seek advice with any issues that they are facing.
GPS Industry:
The GPS Industry look to us to find out what is happening within the industry. They actively participate in our forums offering advice and using the comments of the community to further develop their products. The industry is aware that in many cases we offer a first-line support facility for their products. They, in turn, support our popular free GPS Expos through generous sponsorship.
Total Visits Per Month: Over one million
Total Pageviews Per Month: Over five million
These figures are growing steadily by the month.
PocketGPSWorld.com serve nearly 30 million adverts over our 200,000+ pages every month.
If you would like to advertise with us and have any questions or comments about our fixed yearly service, please contact us, we are more than happy to help.
We currently have only one advertising slot available. Please email Robert @ PocketGPSWorld.com to express your interest stating your agency or company name.
Advertise through Google on PocketGPSWorld.com
All indirect advertising on PocketGPSWorld.com is handled by Google Adwords. Adwords makes it easy for businesses to advertise on targeted websites, regardless of their budget size. You can target your ads based on keywords, geographic location of the visitor, and target specific websites.
The ad formats they serve include the effective text link ads, image ads and even eye catching flash and video ads.
PocketGPSWorld.com Business Contacts
If you would like to contact the PocketGPSWorld.com team to explore partnership opportunities, please use the email addresses below.
Darren Griffin
Operations Director/Editor
Darren @ PocketGPSWorld.com
Darren Griffin has been involved with computers since the glory days of the home build Sinclair ZX80 (it didn't work first time!) and became an internet user back in 1996. Having spent 12 years Army service playing with very expensive toys and installing networks worldwide he now runs a successful IT Consultancy, ARMTechnology. Involved with PDA's since the Apple Newton (He still has one!) and GPS since it became commercially available, Darren who lives in Hampshire, England is a confessed gadget freak.
Hobbies include aviation, cars, motorcycles and many more! When not fixing networks he can be found gazing at aircraft and praying for the funds to allow him to pursue his dream of re-gaining his pilot's license and motorbike, both of which were surrendered when his daughter arrived!
Mike Barrett
Commercial Director/Editor
Mike @ PocketGPSWorld.com
Mike Barrett was one of the group of students to take the first GSE 'A' Level in Computer Science back in the 70's. Following on from that he started working with computers with 8k (yes kilobytes) which filled an entire computer room. In the early 80's Mike started programming the Acorn Atom and later the BBC Micro before the IBM PC was originally invented. Mike's experience encompasses the entire range of industries from Finance, to Manufacturing, to Retail. He has been involved in the complete development lifecycle for software projects commissioned for some of the World's best known corporate names.
Starting his career before the invention of the PC and the Internet as we now know it Mike has been involved in creating global communications solutions. In the late 80's and early 90's when the Internet was in an embryonic stage Mike was using the same technologies that were used to build the Internet. Currently Mike runs Black Widow Web Weavers Ltd a design company focusing on Web development particularly in the more technical areas including the design and development of database driven solutions. His hobbies include Hill Walking, Photography, and Emerging Technologies. Mike is an accredited TMB (Technology Means Business) Adviser and is a regular presenter of Seminars and Workshops for Essex BusinessLink.
Robert Brady
Business Editor / Director
Robert @ PocketGPSWorld.com
Back in the early 80s, when Robert first got hooked on computing, he decided to write all of his own accounting software with his shiny new Commodore 64. Whilst he says this was very enjoyable and hugely satisfying, when all the code (and months of hard work) was complete, he actually found it quicker to use pen and paper! He decided to leave the coding side of things to others. After a brief fling with composing computer generated music on the C64 (painfully bad, he says), Robert never touched another computer for about 10 years.
Then came the World Wide Web. After a freelance career in customer service management and executive research, Robert got very excited about the possibilities and potential of this new tool for e-commerce. He established his first website, in 1995. It was the first comprehensive online shopping directory. It links to millions of sites, services and products and now has over 800 advertisers, showing up to 10 million ads monthly. He is also the owner of over 30 newer business-to-business and consumer websites including Ed-u.com, the Education Mega-Site.
Robert also provides marketing and e-commerce services for several other websites, including multinational and international corporations and has been successful in creating substantial and sustainable business for many companies. Along with fellow PocketGPSWorld.com team member Mike Barrett, he was recognised by the UK Government E-Commerce Awards for the marketing and development of the best new UK e-commerce site for 2003.
Here are just a few of our clients, partners and the companies we are proud to work with...


Past UK Government Ecommerce Award Winner! Two members of the team behind Pocket GPS World were responsible for the development and marketing of the website named as The Best New Ecommerce Website in the UK.
Stephen Timms the UK Minister of State for Ecommerce said: "I am an enthusiastic supporter of compelling web content which can help drive our ambition of UK e-commerce leadership. I congratulate them on their contribution to sites whose excellence has been recognised in the latest e-commerce awards."